Mira & Henry (Part 1)

I suspect they will reconcile and it will be business as usual.

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I think Tejos couldnā€™t believe it himself when Elisah quickly took off her panties and asked him to fuck her.

The whole thing didnā€™t go long and was just a quick fuck for Elisah.

Doneeeeeee. 10))

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I guess Karelā€™s parents would not let Elisha stay in the basement with him. Thatā€™s why they are still at Mira & Henry s___ping on the air mattress. Little advice to M&H you going to need a bigger apartment the rate your going LOL

Their last apartment was perfect, so much more room than this one.

They live here. If there are no change plans. M&H are leaving on vacation soon (next week).

Thank you very much for the explanation at least they have a place to stay and do not have to live in Karel parents basement. Karel must be really happy No basement for him just an air mattress LOL

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I think i am seeing a pattern here, This is only M&H workplace, they come for a few days or a week, throw parties, fuck a few people, then go on vacation, at their real home away from cams.

they only do this during the winter months. they are here most all the time during the rest of the yr.

Not another fucking vacation, they have just come back from yet another. Must be old age coming on as they canā€™t stand the pace :rofl:

They delegate ā€¦ they are managers ā€¦ :joy:

I call it skiving :rofl:

Letā€™s be honest, if the income gives it away and you might even discover new ā€œtalentsā€ itā€™s good. You bring them into a new apartment and get % there. :joy: :rofl:

Henry can check the qualities of the participants from time to time.

We had it in another apartment, here money is made with the amount of apartments.

I think Henry is open about the revenue you can get. In other apartments where it is not clear who is actually a participant, I think the participants hardly know anything about the income.

So itā€™s a scouting mission really then us it :rofl:

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Just change the subject, has Karel split with Maren then ?

Sure, other (sub-)managers are unfortunately not so smart.

Do you think Scott would have come up with the idea of putting a Harper in his own apartment with Lyla and maybe others? He also frightened other participants so much.

No ideaā€¦ some couples seem to be short-lived here.

Maybe he just has a break / carte blanche. :face_with_monocle:

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Yeah maybe

Itā€™s been a while since Maren and Karel have been here at the same time.

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