Mira & Henry (Part 1)

It started around 830pm- 700am,

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She sits miles away, then he comes closer and grabs her

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I know itā€™s just part of the game, but, to move that close to someone, when they were on the other side, seems a little much


HaHa Now Tejo is in bed with K&I

Well he only has one objective in mind, heā€™s been trying for the last few parties, thought he might have got the message by now. And now heā€™s in their bed!. But K has got her covered, for now! :laughing:

I said Kostja would be involved, Indira loves him, so if he agreed to a threesome it would happen

If his eyes were open, he would looked pissed

I hope she was awake, and didnā€™t just sneak in while she slept, because thatā€™s creepy

No he didnā€™t, K & I were already in the room.

I think Kostja is feeling very secure in theyā€™re relationship, to leave the bedroom.

Or maybe he is just bipolar.

Ur right Iā€™m thinking the same thing If there was a problem he wouldā€™ve stayed in there with Indira

What happens here at at all parties are all fantasy, when theyā€™re alone, they are being themselves

What if she too _____ or half awake to tell the difference

Thatā€™s called r__e, when the guy knows she thinks heā€™s her boyfriend

I am not sure about Tejoā€™s thinking capability

I think he check up on her twice

Obviously he doesnā€™t fee that secure

Sheā€™s as___p, Iā€™d do the same if he was in my bed