Mira & Henry (Part 1)

What a “surprise” I won’t invite them anymore when I was M&H

when Henri doesn’t fuck: nobody fucks! He is the conductor :laughing:

Does it seem like these parties at H&M are all about enjoying your freedom from your clothes and just getting mostly nude, without the sex

I expect the next time we see T&S will be at Mikl’s.

don’t say that, everything goes well when they are at Mikl and Marica’s

What’s the point, he can’t participate

Just looked at their apartment, wow so old looking and depressing too wow.

where did I see it, oh yes at the Flora realm :rofl:

I think Paul is the right size to be the future snowman (putting snow on him, of course) :laughing:

They’re getting dressed, i guess the party’s over

In the last week, there’s been more action at M&M, than at M&H

I am wondering since I cannot understand what people are saying: after guests leave a party, do the others talk about them knowing that everything is public? And do the people who left check online if they are talked about?

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I’m not to bothered what people like or dislike and in my comment I tried to write impartially because I do understand that everyone has a different world view on what they see and perceive also they are free to write how they feel.
Anyway nothing wrong with the big guy (Paul) liking at least one thing at Mira & Henry’s place. :rofl:

Does it begin wirh F and finish with a D and four letters long :rofl:

You Got It Ok GIF

Are Mira and Henry leaving the project? She posted on Twitter “Join our last party”. Maybe something is lost in translation, but that doesn’t sound good. :cry:

They are moving to the basement for a year :joy: No they are not leaving

Mira can move to my basement any time she wants! Lol

Yes, it is very odd that these parties never now seem to deliver the goods in terms of some actual sexual activity. Before, whilst not every party ended in an orgy, or any sexual activity, there did appear to be a desire on the part of many participants ( especially Henry! ) for it to do so. That desire appears to have evaporated. The getting nude seems to be pointless other than as bait to get people to watch in the hope something will happen. Shame - it has been a great realm.

I’ve noticed alot of nudity, such as their strip monopoly games