Mira & Henry (Part 1)

and now maybe the cam 4 a little bit more to the mirror…

Cam 5 slightly more to the left as cam 2 and 3 cover that area fine

You know the drill (support) :wink:

Henri got this in the bag :upside_down_face:

Thanks for cam 5. My request to support has brought something.

I CONCUR… move cam 5 to the left a bit more as you have the couch area covered with both cam 2 and 3

I had also put in request last week as well

i agree needs to be moved to the left as well as just shows behind curtian and grey wall , iy still doesnt show the door , i also put i a request

The door will never shown

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outside the door is a bdsm room, a chair from there?

just goes to show there is something to hide

Folks, it was like that when the black sofa was on the left and the armchairs to the left of the table, you couldn’t see them. That has now changed with Cam 5. But now it’s good too. If the residents back there still want a bit of privacy, then they should have that too.

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I agree they should be able to have privacy if they so wish, they have given us an extra cam, as viewers wanted, but for some this is still not enough, :face_with_monocle:

Thank you for telling them this, maybe it will stop them from keep asking, some viewers seem to think you are here to do what they ask. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

There is super vip zone!

Only Putin can see that)


Et dans la chambre secrète “BDSM” il y a un escalier secret qui monte vers un étage secret où il y a un appartement secret où se passe des parties secrètes avec des invités secrets et mystérieux ! J’ai entendu dire que Blanche-Neige et les 7 nains sont venus, la Belle au Bois Dormant y a dormi !

And in the secret room “BDSM” there is a secret staircase that goes up to a secret floor where there is a secret apartment where secret parties are happening with secret and mysterious guests! I heard Snow White and the seven dwarves came, S___ping Beauty slept there!

Absolutely not, it’s the pantry where Paul hides food in case he gets hungry! :laughing:

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With Henri there the last thing Snow White will be doing is s___ping :grinning:

I do not have enough dwarfs)

there Masha with the bears lit and rapunzel with Pocahontas staged a lesbian orgy, but this is top secret information