Mira & Henry (Part 1)

thats much better,i like it so…!!!

thinking all he did was move cam 4 to take the pic.

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Its his pc cam thats all guys.

I don’t think that image is from his pc cam as I don’t think Henry would go to the extra trouble to add in the Date/Time & VH logo. :wink:

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I didnt see that. Damn i need new glasses again. :man_facepalming: :yum:

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If that becomes an official cam it will be the worst one in the apartment. What are you gaining? A worse view of the couch Lovely view of the floor lol Lovely view of the opposite wall Fuckall else. Seems to be a lose lose situation if it replaces one of the others, ah well thats what some guys wanted :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: And what would you gain from a cam on the grey wall? fuckall. :rofl:

why cant this apt be like all the others that have the 3 cams that actually face all different directions just like all the other Living rooms which show every wall in room

It’s not a replacement And the purpose is to show the floor area when there is too many people in the house and that area is used

Well there’s usually a table there anyway and never seen anyone fuck on the floor yet :rofl:

Who the fuck wants to look at all the walls? I ain’t here to be a b___dy interior designer :rofl:

Nope you are here moaning for no reason as always, thank fuck you weren’t around in the days when someone suggested to stop living in natural caves and to make man made ones instead. :rofl:
I’m sure this is based on you. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Who’s moaning, it’s not me moaning about cam positions. Why fuck up a perfectly good arrangement that has worked well for years just to please a few members on here. And what the hell have natural caves got to do with cams duhhh or is that scottish logic. :rofl:

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I have another opinion, it depends on the term guests, there are guests who are practically participants, that is, if they are occasional guests, of course, if they are guests who reside, or regularly visit the apartment it’s different, that’s my opinion.

I think you still didn’t understood that NO (0 - ZERO - NIENTE - NONE) cam was affected with this big and hard intervention. It’s just one cam that was added to the living room.

How does that “fuck up a perfectly good arrangement that has worked well for years”??

Yes it will be an additional cam added.

Who the hell is talking about looking at the wall ? We are saying that a camera on the grey wall, opposite Cam 4 would expand the Living room view

The new cam will do the same. Plus gives more opportunities for using the living room floor with more guest present. And you can actually see them leave the room now.

I guess you haven’t been watching long enough to see Mira dance naked in front of the mirror which, right now, is not covered by any camera

I watch this site since 2016. She dances in front of that mirror for their Twitter vids you can watch on Twitter…

I’ve been around since 2015. Why should I use Twitter when I’m paying for this site?