Mira & Henry (Part 1)

Mira seemed to be having problems when she went to bed. She even seems to have cried. But I did not understand why.

The decay of the Vhtv progect is approaching should change to Big Brother, or something like that. Now they say from support that covered sex is allowed, rule change, let’s see where this will lead

What they can’t do is block the view of the camera, fuck under the covers if they can. Still I agree with you that it is unfortunate, it is the super quality of the vhtv content. If this were a level project in two hours those two useless would be in their fucking house.

If this rule is implemented by everyone, next , it will be in the bath curtains to cover everything, the strength of this project is the disinhibition, if they end up with this extra, because I don’t see why pay to see this, in the cable tv service, I have big brother and I don’t pay more for that.

You are absolutely right, it is what they have turned the project into, in garbage and it will never change.

I don’t know what happened to make them change that, but if the clothes and blankets start to be normal use in the apartments, the subscriptions will surely go down, I wonder what the other participants and guests will do in bed, in the bath let’s wait, or the project ends as we know it, or let’s hope that few residents and or guests will follow the example

The reason for the rule change: (Mostly a___e of complaints from some users). Management’s words

Now there will be more complaints if many guests and especially residents act like this

Above all, there will be fewer subscribers …

she was still fucked, I thought she was purely for decoration :+1:

They say they will no longer impose fines Well, the Vhtv situation now depends on what the guests and especially the residents do. If few guests and especially residents follow this path, the situation will change little. If they all start to cover and hide, then it will surely start to decrease the subscriptions

The night before she didn’t looked interested in doing anything but smoking and s___ping

she only did what she took cucumbers from the kitchen and ate them :laughing:

Give her a break it was her first visit.

I feel it’s going to be long … long … very long …

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like the second already, the first for the birthday of the Mira

Yes I understand, of course, you’re right, let’s give it time, but I just don’t understand the posture of the Vhtv management, or else the Vhtv management explained the situation badly.

I hope someone did a wash, after wearing the same shirt for almost the entire day/night

Mira and Henry are taking a bath. Caressing each otherimage


Everyone seems so down over at M&H. That party last night wasn’t that bad.

I agree it wasn’t bad, but I guess others think it should have ended with a mass orgy, as some of their parties do. :face_with_monocle:

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