Mira & Henry (Part 1)

You were just being very thoughtful by earning them money whilst s___p :joy::joy::joy:

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C’est mon dĂ©faut
 toujours prĂȘt Ă  rendre service mĂȘme quand je dors :joy::joy::joy:

Wow you finally woke back up :rofl::rofl:

Cet incident Ă©tait Ă  mes dĂ©buts, il y a 3 mois 
 je faisais “connaissance” avec les diffĂ©rents salons
 Heureusement que je me suis rĂ©veillĂ© sinon je serais mort depuis

that wouldnt work . they got best appartment and thats a joke . i just pop in and out on replay skip through quickly ajust so can see what is going on . there are only a couple of appartments i wathc and they are not one off them ,


Ce clichĂ© signifierait il qu’ils ont plus de compassion pour leur chien que pour Wendy???:rage::worried:

holy words :+1:

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Where did you get that Mira was upset? She certainly didn’t look so upset to fuck Henry later that night

instead of breaking boxes in the apartments you can’t stand, wouldn’t it be better to move to the apartments where you like the tenants

Alguien preguntĂł que juego era el que juegan en la tele es CIV6

DĂ©solĂ© de dĂ©truire vos rĂȘves et fantasmes

you’re not destroying anything however saying the same things over and over again in the apartments that you don’t like is not going to change the idea of the participants

Just ignore this troll.
If he keeps it up, hopefully @VHTV_James will send him on vacation soon and then it’ll be quiet around here again. :wink:

hopefully as soon as possible

Tant que je ne suis ni offensant , ni agressant vis à vis des participants
 aucune raison de me bannir

Dead right,he will still use the hidden room :grinning:

up yours

En complĂ©ment 
 cela s’appelle juste la “libertĂ© d’expression” que vous la tolĂ©riez ou pas

Ne t en fais pas, ici tu ne peux pas opiner, Ici tu dois etre d accord avec eux, du n importe quoi, des fois je n ai meme plus envie d ecrire ici


you finally used a sentence instead of just a word that said sex