Mira & Henry (Part 1)

WOW… Faye left Wendy place… went over to Henry to take a bath. Guess she didnt like the shower thing

Faye does some regular shuttle traffic between realm 18 and realm 48 these days. It is just the way it is. :slight_smile:



Wow i see the old bugger is wearing glasses now, now either his eyes are failing or they are magnifying ones to make everything bigger :rofl:

That was 2019, the discription says “old pics”, that meant the pictures are old, not the pickers.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


looks like Fayebulous got her stuff packed up.

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Haha so they are, never noticed that, someones b___dy keen then to go back that far, oh it’s you haha fancy that :rofl:

Iwas only answering a question. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Wonder where is next on her travels then? Wendy’s seems a bit full up to get a resident :rofl:

Well, I guess back to her own realm ???

Which still leaves the question open, why she came to M&H in the first place. :rofl:

To much for my delicate brain to work out this afternoon, especially with Faye.
Almost forgot she has her own apartment, well allegedly :rofl:

And some more shots of Faye packing up. We can only speculate where she’s going…back to her realm, Wendy’s or could it be Shana’s old place? :man_shrugging: Time will tell of course, but hopefully we will continue to see her :smiling_imp:

And away she goes. Edited to add…she had a lot of stuff, could have been all her personal belonging :man_shrugging: So kind of makes me wonder if she’s ever actually going back to her realm??

I do not know where she is going quite yet, but will find out. Hopefully she will stay within the project, so we can still see her. :slight_smile:

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For now she is staying at Wendys. Unsurprisingly. :slight_smile:

Faye just showed up at Wendy’s with all her stuff…

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I like that nickname. :slight_smile:

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Thank you. Well there is a story behind it. To begin with I spent 26 years as an Army Medic with a Air Medical Evacuation specialty and eventually becoming a PA (Physician’s Assistant), retired now. Back in the day when I was jumping out of servable aircraft we were doing a jump out of a C-130 Hercules the CSM (Company Sargent Major) was sitting not far from me. Just before we stood up and hooked up he yelled (it’s noisy in there!) at me saying "if I have a really bad landing I want my Bandaids! I don’t want just any Doc…I want my Bandaids! So you better be heading my way if you here be calling for “Bandaids!” I was in the service just over 2 years at that point. That handle followed me for the rest of my career and to this day and many I know and even many in my family still call me that or “Bands”.


I like your nickname too, absolutely. Thank you very much for that accurate description. I Like it. But what I actually meant to point out was that I personally like and liked the nickname Fayebulous - attached to
female Voyeur House TV participant Faye. I just want to say that, he,he! But thank you for your descriptive story. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

If I could give you a heart and a flame extra to my own answer I would have done it right away in your honour - Bandaids. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


o quizas tu, porque discutir sobre eso me parece es cosa de gente que estan mal de la cabeza