Mira & Henry (Part 1)

i think i could be wrong , willey wonker just turned up , he could be on a promiss,

Faye seems to kind of caressly finger feeling her own pussy on the couch at Wendys and seems to have been doing it for quite a substantial amount of time. Maybe it is only me who is feeling strange about it, but it seems a little weird. Only my own thoughts about it. Nothing else. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I agree His actions are disgusting at time, He seems to think heā€™s gods gift to women!! And heā€™s notā€¦ Most of the time it looks like the girls are disgusted by his touchā€¦Maybe im wrong but its the way i see itā€¦

An even stranger thing is that that undertaking has not led to any physical sexual activity yet. Strangely enough. I think. :slight_smile:

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I for one seem drawn to this apartment. Anytime I log in. Guess Iā€™m hoping to something actually going on. Never is though. It used to be the place to go. Oh my, how quickly things change

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Now Wendy is the last realm standing

Wendy seems very fickle at times, sometimes she seems interested in him and other times quite the opposite but as you say, the last one left.
Well other than old dependable Maren though i think she only pops round when she wants a bit of a going over.so both bit of desperate characters really.

i feel sory for er now she will have to do what he wants now . But its his own faulthe ignores all the warbibgs about his behaviour and keeps using the secrete rooom what do you expect ?/ HOW THE NIGHTY HAVE FALLEN

Donā€™t know if itā€™s significant but Henry has been looking at an online atlas obviously i donā€™t know where for quite a while now and it doesnā€™t look like a game.

Either checking where he is or where heā€™s gonna go :laughing:

Must be serious as heā€™s up out of his pit way too early :laughing:

Yeh and Miraā€™s is taking an active interest,now that his empire is shrinking theyā€™ve maybe taken up Cartology :laughing:

Maybe thinking of going into the travel business? Like have cock will travel :laughing:

Well, if you have the sudden urge and can not wait for the actual action it actually is a lot of action saved in the archives. So it is actually very possible just to use the archives in itself. Just use that if you absolutely need it. That is my little humble advice. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Given the travel restrictions rightly slapped on Russia at the moment i donā€™t think he has an awful lot of options,thereā€™s always Belarus :rofl:

Iā€™m a nosey bastard and would love to know what he is doing :wink:

Well whatever it is it was enough to raise him from the dead which is a miracle in itself :laughing:

Well, in Norway we actually used the term White Russia on Belarus. Translated to norwegian it actually is Hviterussland. But because the norwegian government is very keen on the internationalisation the term was actually changed to only the use of the term Belarus. From the top of the norwegian system. To adapt to the internationalisation in itself. It actually is the truth. I am not kidding. I s__t you not. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Thanks for that,very interesting you learn something new every day :+1:

There is a cocktail called a White Russian, is there any history behind that name at all?