Mira & Henry (Part 1)

They haven’t organized a good party like the old days for too long now. They are getting boring. At this rate I will definitely not renew my subscription. Too bad Mira is my favourite

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ki a vendég hölgy ?

That’s Viva :heart_eyes:

Seriously, wow if it is she looks different without her sort of punk/ biker chick look, especially her gloves

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I see Henry has to hold is cock to keep it in control!

How’s grandma and grandpa doing these days? You know your resume how you have to kind of sort of account for your work history and time. I often wonder how these veteran tenants will fill that gap. In my line of work, I’m thinking living on a sex site is not going to go over that well. :dizzy_face:

les temps deviennent durs pour le pauvre Henry : il se met à boire de la bière brune :cry:

A post was merged into an existing topic: Amys history and opinions

I sure didn’t recognize her. I know it’s been a while, but still,

A post was split to a new topic: Amys history and opinions

A post was merged into an existing topic: Amys history and opinions

I was beginning to think Amys job was to post at least one complaint in each topic on a daily basis!

Wow, January 24 2022, we had that huge orgy at M&M, with everyone, T&J, K&I, M&M, Henry, Shana, I don’t recall Mira though. January 24, 2023, was just another regular night

Since I couldn’t pay with PayPal, I don’t have a subscription. When I see how boring it is everywhere, I’m glad I didn’t buy a subscription. As for Henry, he goes to the secret room with a guest to fuck, so the subscriptions can’t see anything anyway.

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Her VHTV money must have run out…

Maybe Avant-garde film maker or freelance website developer? :thinking:

My guess is veterans like Mira & Henry who not only have their own realm but are managing others are stacking money so they can retire early or afford to work a lower income job once the project is completed.

I am struggling with the fact Mira seems so angry looking… her lovely smile is non existent … cigarette’s seem to be the only passion she has nowadays. Along with Henry making Shanna cry… well sadly they have lost it for me. I wont be renewing my subscription again even though there are other brilliant apartments. Thank goodness Shana has found a guy who treats her well.

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looks like they are going away again with the cases in the hall . Wonder who will take over ? hope its someone who likes a bit of fun

how can we see cameras inside privat room from Henry and Mira