Just another shithole to shove Amy into!

One the main reasons I steered away from the RLC forum was because it was full of a bunch of people who tried to out adore and love the tenants. To me it seemed pitiful and ridiculous. I found Voyeur-Villa and thought it was so awesome that we could essentially say anything we wanted to about the tenants and we did. Jabbath was the only one I knew of, who had any sort of contact with the site and even that was pretty low level and sketchy. We all used to say all sorts of negative things and laugh at the tenants, even Jabbath. I don’t want to be in a relationship with the tenants. Relationships come with obligations that neutralize free thinking and expression. Fan clubs are very boring and predictable. It seems that is what you guys want this place to be. As long as it’s a forum, people should be able to jazz the tenants and laugh at them even to the point of insult. If VHTV wants to cut that out they should change the name to Fanpage and only allow goodspeak here. That won’t do it because they know it would be a total bore. I will say this though. At least all of the tenants are fair game for my jokes and criticisms and they aren’t based on who I’m friends with or want to befriend. In my view, tenant interaction and insider friendships, which create these safe guardrails and silence the people here who follow them, are what truly ruin the fun around here. In truth, what I have done is what I set out to do a long time ago when Jabbath and Sparkles and I cut ties. About 95% of my goal has been achieved. It only cost me everything, but I did it. :kiss:

Now, I’m just back to having the fun we used to have back in the VV days.

you basically break your balls on vhtv every day hoping that the sandcastle that vhtv has put up all these years will fall down as soon as possible…

It’s either how Amy wants or it just better not exist. Every time is the same old story. And there’s no matter to her if there are millions of people who enjoy it the way it is. We all do it wrong just because it’s not the way she feels it should be done.

Not really. Yes, for sure I wish they would change to be what I think they should be, and for sure I am here to bust their balls when the chance arises. But, I’m not here to ruin them. If you weren’t around in the VV days, you missed it. Trust me, a forum full of people on an equal playin field where no one really cared about the sensibilities of the talent, was real and a lot more entertaining than playing friends with them. The real victims with that are the subscribers who don’t read or follow the forum and don’t realize that the tenant’s behavior is being altered by insider influences whose primary aim is to gain an inside track and information.

What’s so wrong about that? I’m just one person. I’m not even here that much. I think I’m on about 1-2 days of reading time here, yet you act like I’m posting hundreds of comments a day demanding everything be done my way. All I did was explain why I am the way I am because I was asked. It’s not that big of a deal really. All of this could have just been left where it was and in a few short moments it would have drifted behind the fold and no one would care. But no! Jabbath has to enf___e his standards and what he thinks belongs here. It’s pretty petty and ridiculous really.

Just call it a fanpage and then any criticisms toward the tenants can be crushed and everyone will know that they have to be a team player and supportive of the site, the talent, and the managers. Easy! Everything will be rosy and everyone will be happy.

You can even sacrifice me if you think it would help send a message to everyone on how they have to be if they want to post here.

The world doesn’t spin around you, sorry. Let this place be the most annoying thing for you. Enjoy!

Nah, I’m good. You can close this. I did ask for this special treatment. I was just answering a question. I said what I had to say.

The funny thing making you and your adored love of @jabbath1987 the same is truly believing that if you think something is red, you will truly believe everyone around should think the same way.

Yea, well I do think pretty highly of myself and having been involved in this since about 2014, I think I have earned some cred and understanding about how this all works. I know this, Jabbath was a lot funnier when he wasn’t burdened with all these responsibilities and obligations that his friendships with you, the talent, and the managers, have created for him, that’s for damn sure. I was fortunate enough to be friends with the person unburdened by such weights. VV forum was better.

The grass was greener, the light was brighter, when friends surrounded. The nights of wonder.

Is this going to be he new s__thole for Jabbath to put me in whenever I say something he doesn’t like?

What am I supposed to do if someone asks me a question or says hi?

There are several issues with this thread I see:

  1. @jabbath1987 if you decided to separate the topics, why didn’t you start with this post?
    Mira & Henry - #24027 by andre85 This is something what people address as biased “moderation” of yours in regards to such actions :slight_smile:
    Andre here fell a victim of Amy’s notable way of delivering Amy’s stuff. He went off-topic first, IMO.
  2. @Amy can you differentiate off-topic and on-topic posts? Do you agree with me that post by @andre85 is off-topic? You could either report that post as off-topic or suggest Andre creating a separate thread with them. But no, it was a prime time for you to shine, I get it :nail_care:t3:
  3. Wouldn’t it be better for everyone next time show an example and reply, to a clearly off the topic post they are interested in replying, in a separate thread? There’s a whole special button hidden right here in everyone’s composer:

Because I was asked a question. Answer me this then. Is everyone going to held to this standard or is it just going to be me? Basically what you’re saying is that anything off topic is not allowed. We’re not even allowed to reply to an off topic comment. Again, is this going to be for everyone or just me? Cause it seems to me very clear that I’m the only one getting this treatment.

This must apply to everyone or it makes no sense to maintain.

I’m personally on the edge of letting it go and to not enf___e on-topic discuss until the community majority in the topic decides to stop off the topic discussion. As a result, that will automatically purge original off the topic post and any replies to it. No leader or moderator would be required. But these may be my wet dreams, I’m not sure if will work out of the box.

“Everyone” I’ll believe that when I see it. Ok, I won’t reply unless it’s about the apartment. I’ll be sure to flag other off topic posts when I see them, just to see if this “everyone” idea is true.


What about me.? I seem to do alright stating my opinion on tenants managers, etc. regardless of what other may think. Well at least most of the time…

Although I have to say. I am a little jealous you get so many topics created for you. I never get topics made for me. :pleading_face:

Sorry I was tired and forgot to move that one. Will fix it now :wink:

but why do you have so much venom in you? i read your comments almost every day on the forum and all you do is complain to pretty much most forum users not to mention participants…it seems like your life is a disaster so you need to find a place to vent your anger…

@VHTV_James And just as I expected, absolutely none of the off-topic posts that I flagged yesterday got moved into another topic. I am being targeted by your moderator in charge Jabbath, not because my comments are off topic, but because he personal hates me and he is using the tools you give him to do it. He is biased and in order for a person to belong here they have to be in good standing with him or else. That’s how this forum actually works.