Mikl & Shana

If this keeps up, what happens to Marica

Watch this space I guess!

She comes back. That’s the way it always works.

Lord knows, without Mikl with her, she looks lost at these parties

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Hmmm seems like she did just fine with the guys the last few parties. :+1:

Yesterday and today , she looked really lonely, which is why it was a bummer, when she went to bed

Some people may not care for her so much but I kind of like her. I just think she needs some time and care.

I think she needs to stop hiding in her room.and spend more time with everyone in the living room, where nobody will make her feel left out

Some times I think she has been doing it so long she is in her comfort zone there. But I love to see her happy and smiling. She looks like she would be a lot of fun to hang out with.

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Two “fights” in the last few days… what’s next?

Apparently she told him they’re no longer a couple, fuck, like that makes a difference with these two

I’m sorry that I don’t wake up like a princess right away :smile::smile::smile:


No worry honey, we all have our good and bad days :rofl:

HI Rob, you’re being awfully awfully sweet these days pal and I’m getting worried.You OK!!!:blush: PS. Can I have some please😀

I like the natural look. Quite a bit naughty :hugs: :kissing_heart:

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Just being my good natured adorable self pal :rofl:

Wrong , i always see you as a princess.

Sorry, I’m lost. Who did say to Mikl I suppose that ‘they are no longer a couple’?

Why is she crying?

Looks like she was reading over the contract documentation. End of the month tomorrow, so this might be the finale.