Mikl & Shana

This sentence doesn’t make any sense. Are you trying to say we will wait?

I can see that, but some people get border line stalkerish too.

:rofl: So true. But hey at least they care about some thing… I love the rants on here really make me smile.

The girl really does love to dance! :heart_eyes:


Go marica Go! She can dance :heart_eyes:

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Look who’s talking. :rofl: :rofl:

I first noticed her dancing sk__ls, when she would dance in front of the living room mirror, while living at H&M

It’s obviously a passion she has, it would be great if she could go further with it!

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Normal service has resumed! :laughing:


Miki pays more attention to Shana than Marica. He rarely has sex with her anymore

I’m not sure Marica is that bothered any more, I think she gets what she wants when she needs it. Shana on the other hand is horny all the time and craves more attention, I’m not sure even Mikl can keep up with her any more! :laughing: Shana is such a promiscuous lady these days, she is getting a lot more attention from the likes of Tejo, Palmer & Co (in addition to Mikl & Kostja) as Indira becomes less of an option for them. IMO I think they are starting to see Shana as a soft target, but I’m sure she can take care of herself.

I think it’s just that shana has a higher sex drive, and likes having sex 3 or 4 times a day, while marica seems satisfied even if it once a day. Earlier this morning, marica was happy to watch a movie and be held by mikl, so i learnt that both love being with mikl and less sex doesn’t affect the feelings



She’s open for business! :laughing:

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So if Mikl refers Marica to Marika (name spelling) why can’t we change her name spelling on the realm name? It would make more sense on how it is supposed to be pronounced. Just asking

Because I won’t change her name in zillions of saved moments. And in Russian language there is no “c” spoken as a “k”. So her name will stay as it is now.


thats fine just was just asking

when I first seen her name I actually thought it was Marcia( as in Marsha) but then looked at spelling again and realised i was wrong

You can call her Marika, just pretend you mis-spelled Marica :laughing: Gosh, people mis-spell names all over this forum!

Not wishing to butt in but in english the “c” and “k” have the same sounds, how would you say them in russian then?