Medea (Part 1)

it is frustrating when the connection drops out.


poor dog :rage: :rage:

I agree with you!

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every time isp, you pay the subscription to see isp issues


Conscripts were not sent abroad earlier. But in Ukraine they had started deploying conscripts as well. At first they denied it but a few days later the defense ministry accepted that they have sent conscripts. Though the defense ministry had said they won’t be sent again, we all know how much we can believe them. Read in politico few days back.

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I don’t know what made me think of this, but could it be that Medea and Wayne are brother and sister? I might be totally off my rocker, but they are very friendly with each other, and sit around naked or near-naked with each other, but I’ve never seen Wayne make a play for her, and even when they are completely naked next to each other, I’ve never seen him get hard. So, IDK, it’s just a thought. :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


Audrina, yay! Knowing my luck it is time for isp problems!

Wayne (Golo), having another shower, wonders will never cease… :rofl: :rofl:

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Audrina has left.

on’t know what he did but he blew it. She came alone and Medea seemed to be helping him but he failed to even get her bra off.

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Another disappointing evening albeit was a treat to see Audrina.

What a shame - especially after he fucked her twice last week! I was sooooo hoping to see Audrina again - completely naked and fucked. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Me too. maybe another day.

Not too sure what these two lads can offer.

if you guys look closely audrina had a tampon, she was on her red days

She is on her period lol