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Welcome Marinela

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It’s old apartment pics….:sweat_smile::sweat_smile:




S__t that was stupid. Wait I will replace them :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil:

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Is this the bigger blonde ?

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According to Wiki yes

Confused New Amsterdam GIF by NBC


You mentioned it a while back. this should be named with her. not really happy about it. I really like the way it was before relocation some hot babes coming. will miss AlyaAKA Kristina :heart: :fire: :heart_eyes:

Look like his current boyfriend is dominating nature….:upside_down_face: that’s y I felt sad for her…:smiling_face_with_tear:

There’s a strapadictomy just been performed.:joy:

Tae what? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Twice a medicine. :wink:

Ma garage door ya numpty whaur else😂 BtW:The aforementioned means to attach a false penis, dildo, phallus or similar to one’s body in order to penetrate sexually. :+1:

By Jupiter’s cock, that false penis must be some length if it going from your garage door all the way to Russia. :rofl:


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Even with popper sniffing (Amyl Nitrate) he kept falling out of her pussy. Had to resort to the dildo.

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Sad to see Alya leave :cry: but glad to see Marinela take over :heart_eyes::fire:

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Doesn’t look like this beauty went far :heart_eyes:

Well u and everybody else knows that some participants really don’t leave even though it says they left :rofl::joy:

maybe she is pregnant,thats why she left.

Indeed she left, she is no longer participant what it means that VH don’t have “power” to know if she will be visiting or not… But most of the times this movements are intentional and done by managers games to call attention to their realms when in reality nothing have changed