Marcel & Flora

What I said is taking place offline for a reason doesn’t mean fine. No need to add any manipulations, there was fine for another rules v_______n.

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But I still do not understand why it is allowed to try and cover up rules v_______ns by disconnecting the place without asking the manager for permission?

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Well, sometimes the situation is such that you can’t or shouldn’t ask for permission first…

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I was only exaggerating when I said that the feeling arises that violence against a____ls is punished more severely here than among people.

There was a time when the CEO proclaimed a 0 violence agenda, which was revoked by him a short time later, as the culture supposedly could not be changed in this way.

That made me ashamed at the time, as I know Russians differently, having lived in Ukraine, among other places. Violence is more a sign of a lack of education and hopelessness and has less to do with culture.

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I know if there is a case of emergency. And there should not be a fine for that. But in that case it was done to attempt covering up the other rules v_______n (violence)

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It’s the matter of time, if you need to unplug place immedtiately to keep content safe - there you go

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they should just let the cameras role, things happen in reallife that we just cant control .so unless its a criminal act thats to gruesome to see and if that was the case then it would be to late anyway , sometimes i think censorship goes to far. okay if kids turn up ,yes they should turn cameras off ,but fights and bickering should be left in

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I can partially agree with you. But an argument involving physical violence can quickly turn b___dy if people are no longer in control of each other. And before this happens, it is better to turn off the cameras.

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Bingate 2(?) :thinking:

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seriously m8 . you really believe that , lets be honest here surely cctv should act as a deterent and if it isnt then surely any acts are still going to happen wether or not cameras are rolling , and we as viewers have the option to switch realms if we dont like what we see, we can only report what we see and thats all . nothing we see or do is gooing to stop something happening . thats just life . as the old saying goes wrong place wrong time.


The reason is the payment providers VHTV uses do not permit certain types of content. Violence is one of them.

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“Normal is boring” … :thinking:


That is why she decided to decorate the hallway in a not normal way :joy::joy:

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define violence ! some cases look worse than they are

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Not on me to define that. Sorry :wink:

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wow what a mess this what happen so sad,when i first join there was a lot of fun now nothing really going on what happen?


They are reconciling or appear to be.

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She did downscale her weapons, from dishes to garbage. Dennis should be happy.

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Dennis was the one who threw the garbage…

:dizzy: :dizzy: