Marcel & Flora

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Ik vermoed dat Flora op zoek is naar een ander appartement :thinking:
Dus binnenkort kunnen wij een verhuizing verwachten

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It can not be an apartment for Dennis? I believe that he is under “relocation” status :slightly_smiling_face:

a computerroom would be enough for him :wink:


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This is a Good time not 7 AM…
The Best time is 10 PM until 7 AM local time
Flora & Dennis may do a scenario with Seviliya & Eren
They are neighbors are visiting Flora who tries to seduce Denis who pretends to be the neighbor
And as a couple now they don’t need to look so in love in order to further fantasize the viewers…

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Flora looks so beautiful with glasses on :heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:




Thank you for that pic appreciate it :hugs:


Теперь я включаюсь с новостями для вас

  1. У меня отключили свет! Да, это очень печальная новость, вы не сможете меня увидеть ближайшие сутки, или двое.
  2. 15 числа я переезжаю в другое место, поэтому меня не будет онлайн долгое время.
  3. Я буду скучать :kissing_heart:

Also no CB shows?

Had ik het juist of had ik het juist :crazy_face: :melting_face:

Good luck!! Moving is awful

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Sorry to hear that good luck with the move going to miss seeing ur beautiful self :heart: u always :hugs:

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Her lights may have gone out but at least we weren’t kept in the dark. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

All jokes aside I hope the move goes smoothly and you are able to enjoy any downtime you have

Sorry to hear that, you will be a big miss. Good look with the move. Look forward to seeing you in your new apartment. Take Care


really moving i going miss you Flora and Sevilya both my favorite women can’t believe its happening hope they come back soon it really the reason i’m on here because of Flora :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

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С нетерпением ждем встречи с вами. :heartpulse:


Who or what is this squelch you speak of? :thinking:


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