Marcel & Flora

All the time. Especially during the webcamming :joy: :joy:

I do not agree with this. In fact, she doesn’t have any employees, she is not the manager. Harmony agreed to try it, same like the other two who in the end changed their minds and didn’t turned up. Dennis is her ex, they still had sex even without the webcamming, is not at all the same like what Henry did/does. Not even close.

Care for a little fake squirt fun?

people pay to get ripped off :rofl: :rofl:

Loool she is faking the squirts. This is ridiculous and pathetic at same time :joy: :joy:

Jimmy Fallon Lol GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

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it is all real!!
you have to believe the pro Flora people Jabbs

But the people believing and tipping are incredibly stupid.

How is the saying: A fool and his money will soon be parted :joy:

thank you for that one right in the eye :zipper_mouth_face:

but since we are talking about fake… how will she do this?


she is only fucking Dennis with a rubber

Well a little whipped cream in the syringe will do the trick :joy: :joy:

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

At least she got the plunger the right way round that’s a very technical art you know :joy:

Well it must be true as we are all on VHTV :wink:



Who cares that she fakes it on her CB shows. She didn’t invent the technique, many others do it and I find the behind-the-scenes look rather fascinating.

I do find it funny that the ones on this forum who laugh at others for thinking it is real are the most worked up by it being faked. I think some here think that you fall into one of two camps, you either think it’s all fake or you think it’s all real, when really i think it’s actually that you either think it’s all fake or you don’t actually care that it’s faked


Yes at least that she manages to do the right way :joy:


How many syringes she will need today? :joy: :joy:

I’m more wondering what the flora from a year ago would think of the flora from today. At that time there were several attempts to give her tips on how she could be more successful with her CB profile, which were invariably dismissed with ‘I’ll do it the way I think it’s right’.
NOW she not only provides content with which she appears to be successful, she even uses tools to promote/provoke success… incl. Instructions and support from behind the camera. A year ago this would have made sense, but would have been absolutely unthinkable.

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