Marcel & Flora

but it wasn’t enough to say don’t like flora or cinderella and the easiest thing…

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :poop:

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exact and s__t…

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I can speak to you in your language if you would like?

:pinched_fingers: :pizza: :motor_scooter:

you know I’m thinking that @John78 is right…you manage to make yourself hated…

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We don’t understand that response to Edd recommending another translator to you. Are you saying that translator is s__t?

I never said that…

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Hmmm ok my Italian friend thinks those emojis are funny. I wasn’t trying to upset you…

I am not angry…I am the one who should learn English…

We don’t understand why you would respond to Edd’s comment recommending another translator to you by saying “I repeat and insist and s__t”

Nah Italian is way cooler. :sunglasses:

deepl doesn’t translate that to me as advice…(l’italiano e una lingua molto difficile)…

Yes it is, but you guys have cool accents and delicious croissants.

@NotSeth I don’t want to argue with anyone let’s enjoy the evening… :hugs:

the pizza is also good… :hugs: :hugs:

Shrug, I wasn’t trying to argue with you. I was trying to understand what you were saying to us. Have a goodnight as well. :smiling_face: :hugs:

I think if you said your comments in Italian rather than in English it might be easier to understand you sometimes.

no problem man let’s enjoy the evening… :hugs: :hugs:

lo già fatto scrivendo in italiano e stato molto difficile farmi capire…

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Hmmm well it is working prefect now. :+1:


At least somebody has enjoyed this night
