Marcel & Flora

@Sparkles you disagree I thought you were the first to say that most apartments are boring or they just do cam…(maybe I’m remembering wrong)…

I laugh because your double personality depending the realm you step in :grin: :grin:

I was talking about most of the kingdoms and was not referring only to this apartment…

Smakelijk Flora :heartbeat:


I know what you are saying… Just don’t forget it when in other realms people say the same about the untouchable one :wink:

You’ve always been my favorite, Flora, because you are very free and open to showing us everything. You don’t hide anything, unlike most of these realms. If you go, I will certainly miss you :face_holding_back_tears:

you’re talking about the helicopter…(I’ll take note)… :wink:

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Thanks @Flora for having Ingrid and Queen over ur guys show was :fire:
:heart: u always :hugs:

lately all i see is the Three Stooges

:heart: :heartbeat: :100:


:heart: :heartbeat: :star_struck:


Извини за поздний ответ. Как ты думаешь, что произойдет, когда человек, чье лицо без согласия было показано публике на камерах VHTV, узнает об этом и начнет выдвигать обвинения против компании? В ЕС это дело не маленькое. За нарушение частной жизни людей таким образом предусмотрены большие штрафы. У тебя, твоих менеджеров и самой компании VHTV могут быть большие неприятности.
Тебе следует это учитывать. Может быть, повернуть экран в сторону от камер, чтобы его не было видно?

О боже, я даже не подумала насчет этого :grin:
Я понимаю если бы в этом маленьком окошке было отчетливо видно человека. Там даже не понятно кто это ) но в следующий раз я открою окошко в 3 сантиметра, чтобы вы больше не написали это )

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clearly visible and totally wrong

i made his face red, but you can have the original in private if you want


I think if the Screen is placed so that no one can see it as they have it in others Realms this issue will not exist… It’s not my business I’m just saying my opinion
On the kitchen table to the right of the Girls so show can be seen also by VHTV viewers, I think is the best place for the screen

Yes here the problem is easy to fix, but if the problem is third persons appear on vh cams without permission, well they will have a lot of work to do all over the site because people are appearing on mobiles and computers all the time. Just now is happening in one realm and moments ago happened in another different one and regularly it’s also visible in another that do cam to cam regularly… Have been always like this in different places
But guess only Flora have “viewers”, her camshows are a real success

Then the matter is between the participants & VHTV Have everyone meet together with the managers & after winter by Easter… a decision will be made

Beautiful Woman!! VHTV can’t afford to lose that Beauty !!


You never said anything when similar things happened in other Realms. People coming for short time at the door complaining for noise (neighbours in special) and fully seen on cams, people seen on video calls, Cam2cam on other places since forever with the same “issue”. I remember when we all been laughing while Sandra was having a C2C with a guy which was seen a lot more clearer that it was the case here.

Your attitude and agenda is simply… :face_v___ting: :face_v___ting: :face_v___ting: