Marcel & Flora

Another thing with the time loss while in forum then!

Have i missed all the “other” ones besides Inga? :astonished:

even if they only have to change names usually the apartment goes offline…

ok, you’re partly right, he didn’t live with trisha, but he was gone (and with the next one) very quickly

Yes, happends to me also when i do something else using other tabs for a while

He’s only got a place with Inga as far as i know, so anything else for me doesn’t count as “a girl that he moved into an apartment”.

I probably exaggerated the dramatic stylistic medium of exaggeration, sorry.

but what i wanted to say is probably understandable: so far, isidor has never endured being part of a couple for long before he whirled off to the next flower

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Back online

Guests are gone.

Ups, cams on :slight_smile:



If you want the entire Isidor pussy history look here!

You will find, 1. Cinderella, 2. Inga, 3. B___dy guest girl, 4. more Inga, 5. Trisha, 6. Pauline AKA Aphrodite, 7. Amandine, 8. More Pauline, 9, his own hand, 10. Geraldine, 11. More Pauline,
12. Jeri, 13 Marisol,

In the end, I do not think Isidore can limit himself to one single girl for very long, He will always be looking for the next one!

Isidor did turn up for this party very late. Cinderella is still here but not Isidor.
I really hope this does not impact on their plans.

Man, i know all of that already. There is nothing never seen before on this site, actually, he is miles behind to lots of other boys.

Just like that, Flora’s gone? That’s rather sudden.

No she is still there but she is packing. It’s really quite sad.

Is princess Cinderella taking the throne here as Flora abdicates?

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Pretty sure that that is the case. History being made. Flora is a bit of a legend. Cinderella not too pleased that Isidor is _____.

Icy atmosphere… Is this honeymoon phase shorter than the one he had with Inga?

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goodbye :wave: :wave: :wave: @Flora , I wish you happiness and I miss you already!
:cry: :anguished: :sob: