
I’m not watching it I’m currently watching the UFC but thanks for the advice

you can get views by just having guests round and chilling out but she has been conditioned to think that she either has to pussy cam and be nude 24/7 or fucking other guys. Also my point was that when she first joined she was not like this

Ik ben geen fan van Lisbet , maar af en toe kom ik eens kijken .
Maar ik moet wel toegeven dat ik veel respect heb voor dat meisje

She’s beautiful just become very boring

You are correct, she wasn’t like this, but many others haven’t been what they became later on. She is happy with doing this otherwise she wasn’t doing it. That’s my opinion

Maar uithoudingsvermogen heeft ze wel :slight_smile:

Very true :heart_eyes::heart:

you cannot know that for sure theres lots of people who do not like their jobs but they do it anyway to pay the bills. Also you completely missed the point i never mentioned views or money i obviously know the reason why she is doing it

Well, i never seen anyone f_____g her to do pussy to cam. She even installed a special camera for it.

Anyway, that’s my opinion, i said it and now i am out :slightly_smiling_face:

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not f___ed but conditioned to think thats what she needs to do because medea was doing it 24/7 too until recently. Even flora and her robots do not do it as much.

when she was with nolan they were always full of guests, but now I see her almost always alone…and that’s sad…

I’m sorry to say this also because I like lisbet but it sounds more like a gynecological study than an apartment…

I actually feel bad for her. Young good looking girl and that’s her entire life. Sad :sob:

this lets you know who the people are who surround you whether real friends or fake people…

Lisbet seems like such a nice young woman. Like anybody else, she has to try to make the ends meet. One may ask, what are her options?

what has not helped is medea moving to a apartment far away so now she barely visits, and also nolan leaving when he was the one bringing in the guests, but a option is maybe medea could have let cydea live with lisbet

Yes, that may be a good point. Seems like Lisbet a little stuck now. Speaking about options, I suspect Lisbet may dream of other options than VH, like I suspect most participants here do. Then it is what it is, and they just go with the flow. Perhaps I should stop now before I get too serious.

hell yeah




Who is she?