
Good images, I didn’t expect it, the only question now is, what word are we going to use these images are they going to be exceptions? or will there be some regularity, for the moment they were the only images and the word is exceptions

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: There is something wrong with this picture, are you guys seeing it, too?

Looks like Lili had a pretty hot and sweet day today :heart_eyes: :hugs: :heart_eyes:

They actually look good together :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hot nights at Lili’s :fire: :heart_eyes:

:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

You may call an old romantic fool, but I kind of got stuck in here today :joy:


Lili yes you two do look good together. You appear to have had a really good time. I think he might be a keeper! This looked fun - shame about the lights

Cost of living is expensive everywhere, saving on power reduces high energy bills :grin:

Ding ding round :thinking: oh s__t I’ve lost count :joy:

Yeah, they’re doing it like rabbits and I’m starting to worry. Actually I’m scared. They’ve done it how many times now and, as far as I’ve seen, she hasn’t taken his cock in her mouth a single time. No blowjob at all. I don’t know if I can deal with this… :cry:

Not to everyone’s taste I suppose :wink:

There has been some alternation in the images, it’s true that there haven’t been images like they happened in the Living room, which were the best so far, but as I said there has been some alternation in the images, and not like before, who were always hidden in the dark ,that’s good if they continue like this

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This is the best guest so far that is in the apartment, it is helping Lili to be more uninhibited, before she was very closed,

If you want to see well-lit, uninhibited, glossy sex on camera, you have to go to CB. And if you pay enough tokens, you can even give stage directions.

I think you’re there definitely in better hands there than with VHTV.

No CB is necessary, there are other apartments here on Vhtv that are excellent and more uninhibited

But I say again, there were some good images, few but good

Well, then take a look at these apartments and don’t complain about the ones you don’t like. You are almost the only user in the forum who constantly criticizes the apartments. That’s actually not the point.

And I see these excellent apartments, of course, well I comment what I want, simple, those who don’t like it I’m sorry

So this is a forum, or should be

No wonder Lilli was feeling a little tired today :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :joy: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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confused miss jay GIF