
its good to see this lovely girl looking happy


well she just had sex for the first time in almost a week haha

three time from open , its still more as some others new realms

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So I had an idea for improvised tracking shots. I record only a small area of the computer screen, and while I’m recording I grab the browser window by the title bar and move the browser window underneath the recording area. Takes some practice as you constanly think about moving the recording area instead of the browser window, but I’m starting to get usable results. I know it’s far from perfect, so don’t complain about the quality and enjoy lovely Lili dancing instead…

That looks pretty good. However, you lose if she runs out of the recording area. But it’s a nice idea of ​​yours. :+1:

… and another one. Now with more boobies.

… and a last one. That has to be enough for today. Clothed again but with even more mesmerizing dance moves. Is she a professional dancer?

Also, turns out locking your moving browswer window angainst the top edge of the screen gives you one less inverted mouse axis to worry about.

ok…the usual…what is her name, what is her site, what is the captial of Asyria…oh, wait, wrong movie.

I m so glad you captured Lili dancing. I am not technical like you ( and many of the other guys) and i was trying to capture her in stills and failing miserably. They just looked almost distorted movements. But how fluid she really is . Professional dancert ? i don’t think so . Those movements seemed to me to be free expression. The sort of thing you do, exactly as she is alone and with your brain in ‘‘dance mode’’. On your own and free - just a delight to watch. Well done Julio

Julio … Not complaining, you understand, but if you have a few moments could you capture the moves she makes from 19.22.50 to about 19.23.30 - much faster and absolutely amazing !!!

this is all that lovely girls need ,a phone and a book

I needed to try out a way to add a replacement watermark anyway, as leaving it out seems to be somewhat against the rules. Actually it is redundant here as the original watermark is well within this capture. So here you go, but only because you asked so nicely.

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She smiles very cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I kind of feel sorry for her. She is almost always alone in this large apartment. It would be nice if a few more friends would come over and bring some life to the apartment.

actually I thought so too but maybe she thinks it’s more comfortable to live like that, but it’s sad that she’s a bit lonely (not about just boys) about her girlfriends too, I hope she’s happier and more comfortable this way. :cry: :sweat: :cry:



It’s a bit like it was with CandyRed back then. She was mostly alone, lay in bed all day and only occasionally her boyfriend came and fucked her.

With Lili, the only difference so far is that the apartment is larger and she knows how to keep herself busy.

Let’s wait and see, she’s only been here a few days. Maybe it will get better. :+1:

Unfortunately this recording was very blurry. But anyway, the video says it all…

What an asshole!!! :angry:

Thank you that was great so much fun she is having!!!