
this lovely girl loves her books



Another shy night approaches, or better night of infrared imaging, always in the dark, is at a lower level than other residents who are more uninhibited

the guests are also shy, they always do everything in the dark too

Guest afraid of light, shy, everything in the dark and now covers the chamber to take a shower

Here are images in this apartment with light at night, just to read a book, forget the rest

I thought this was against the rules

It is for sure. You can tell support about it if you want…

why would you cover the shower when he’s had sex with lili 3 times now on cam

Maybe he read the chat and done it to piss carlos off, but he could’ve done it better :thinking: He should’ve had a shower with his clothes on with his back to the cam in the dark :rofl: :rofl:

Maybe we shouldn’t see him pee in the tub… :joy: :joy: :joy:

Might fit in time :wink:


maybe he forgot that he was shy ,or maybe its there just to piss us off

Or he had his penis do the thinking whilst we was with Lili. :rofl:

The answer is the following: here in this apartment, everyone is afraid of the light, they are all shy, the guest had sex but it was in the dark, so he covered the camera with light

Do you actually use text modules for your constant repetitions? :man_facepalming:

I answered a question I was asked

Where were asked a question here? :thinking: :roll_eyes:

I don’t know why you engage with carlos, it goes in one ear and out the other, obviously a few sandwiches short of a picnic :rofl:

I’ll put him on my ignore list, there he’s in good company with the other trolls. :+1:

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Make sure and leave the light on :rofl: :rofl: