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It was at that moment she decided Anal was not for her :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Why does Lesley shave his arm pits?? :rofl:

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Still don’t understand who is participant and who is guest here…:sweat_smile:

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Because he doesn’t want hair there i presume :rofl:

finally a new guy is visiting :joy:

actually i think its a couple visiting.

maybe this is there audition for the guest room :man_facepalming::joy:

11 posts were split to a new topic: All about shaving

They need a name. I suggest Lindey & Livio…

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sounds good to me :man_shrugging:

that means lindey is the girl right?

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lindey is shy and nervous but livio is not this could be new participants for an apartment and this would be the audition :man_shrugging:

has anything happened today so far?


Is this the former Sophia, Elon and Claudia’s apartment?

Yes. That’s the place.

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Kitchen has two time zones…

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i hope the guest girl is for limal because lesley if not then lesley is greedy like henry he wants it all :joy::joy:

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Can you do a ticket to turn cam2 to the left. It’s not showing the whole table.

I just did i also told them about the two different time zones in the kitchen.

if limal doesn’t get involved into this tonight then he must be a live in chef for lesley :man_shrugging::joy:

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lesley tried to fix it but made it worse now you can’t really see the table.