Lena and realm

I see Lena who must be over 25 yrs although she pretends to be a teenager, was I think on the verge of kicking out her 18yrs college toyboy Abram over simmering differences and the lack of sex life action, it’s down to one a day, when it used to be 2-3. I think Abram realizes now that Lena’s squeals during sex and her little girl demeanor are as fake as her nails
I think she is very shifty and mean looking and I pity Abram when she gives him his marching orders for his very short 10 min sessions which do not seem to satisfy her, you can see it on her face at the end. Then she will have to have another naked session on the internet to try and lure another 18yr old into her web. Good wishes to everyone from long time member nearly from the start Stephen. member

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