Lags and latest site problems

Yeah just had a look and you are quite right, all disappeared. Contact support and ask why?

Go to their thread they’ve explained it there :+1:

Thanks Jock, didn’t bother to look as not that interested in them :+1:

could you link me the relevant post, please? seems like i am blind

i think they clear even their thread

It was the same for me. I wrote that to @vhtv, but he prefers to remain silent about it.

“Link to topic” doesn’t work. and the topic links only shows the participants of the white house but no explanation why Elliots own Apartment or White house are in the HD clips archive anymore

It’s working for me that’s strange, are you clicking on the actual words ‘Link to topic’

i click too on link, but i got error message.

Yes, i get " Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private."

There are no videos stored in Realm 12 (White House).

This is totally off topic but this topic can only be viewed by members with higher trust level.

No records found with specified parameters.

They got hidden due to privacy issues

Videos with data protection???

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Unfortunate, i always liked Elliots stuff

Back to topic now. This has nothing to do with lags or site problems.

You are right, but in your opinion, where can we write if the page doesnt exist?

There is a reason this topic is not accessible to everybody. So I recommend to stop talking about it.