
Surtout ne changée rien. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:, les cadeaux de la nature n’ont pas de prix , je vous adore . Alors Merci .

Oups … ne change"z" . :face_with_monocle:

If only there was a place on this site to check who is who! :thinking:

Here is a clue


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Mijn voorkeur gaat naar het eten , of toch het poesje :sweat_smile:


Just need to take off the rest of the clothes

How about a massage?

I don’t know your physical location but I am guessing that there might be too many miles for her to come give you a massage. :rofl:

No, i was talking about a massage between the two girls

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Search by her name on internet, you will have that and much more then just a massage :joy: :joy: :joy:

Yeah yeah that’s one smartass how about the other one then?

Are you trying to be dippit :rofl:

Both Kayaeyes & her guest Lelya Mult are both listed in the one place. :man_facepalming:

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Well from one dippit to another if the photos looked remotely like the two there i wouldn’t have b___dy asked would i.
Never mind have it your own way if it makes you happy. :laughing:
Dippit one signing off :laughing:

Are we sure Tanya ain’t slipped in undercover :laughing:

Well, I learned some new words, today.


Adj. (primarily Scottish)

  1. Of low intelligence or lacking in common sense

Dippit Gonk

Adj. Scots. A normally intelligent person who has momentarily decided to become an imbecile.

Skinny dippit

A man that has ugly skinny toes and is very hairy in the front and skinny. His feet appear to be shrivled.


When trying to eat, the kitten (between 14:00 - 14:06) almost fell off because it can hardly turn or move on the tiny windowsill. The laptop takes up too much space. It would be great if you could choose another place for your stuff so the cats can eat and _____ without problems. I don’t know if there’s water in the turquoise food bowl as well but access to the orange one is currently blocked.
(By the way, it could have happened that the laptop falls down).

Just a well-intentioned hint from my side. :slightly_smiling_face:




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That is just an accident literally waiting to happen. Sooner or later, if it stays there, that laptop is going to hit the floor, and it won’t be the cat’s fault, although it will probably be blamed for it. It’s already hanging off the table way too much.
:crying_cat_face: :crying_cat_face:

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As you say it wouldn’t need being moved much more to become a hazard to itself.
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