Jirina (Part 1)

Viva forgot it there :rofl: :rofl:

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So not Indira then? Didnā€™t she have the baby sickness in the morning yesterday?

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this is the most clearly written explanation that I could find.

Whether you read yours or mine the answer is still ā€œYESā€ :rofl:

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First of all, the ultrasound pic was partially unseenā€¦ we donā€™t know 1) what organ the ultrasound is of because of an incomplete pic and 2) whoā€™s pic it is. Second, the speculator squad is going to fantasize brand new stories regardlessā€¦ donā€™t know why Iā€™m wasting my breath lol.

huffington post dancing GIF by HuffPost

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I just meant to let everyone know the source of my opinion. :woman_scientist: :woman_health_worker:

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Does the fact that we are still discussing pregnancy, mean that we have some eveidence of this being true?

What did I miss?


Of course it is true! It must be! I need good news today.

New York Lol GIF by Lifetime

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The first scan for pregnancy is taken at six weeks at the earliest. The usual for a G.P. referral is 12 weeks. So , in terms of dates , if the scan was of Indira , it may have been caused from the earliest that she encountered Kostja et al at M&Hā€¦but it isnā€™t , she shows no signs of being pregnantā€¦no tummy , no morning sickness (which will strike as soon as she wakesā€¦although it can be a long drawn out happening) , no pallid skin toneā€¦unless you count the past two days when she has had a coldā€¦Who started this hare running anyway???

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BTWā€¦if you like Indira you will LOVE Amaliaā€¦very similar shape except double in the boob department.

Since when do we need evidence here?

Itā€™s always been enough to fantazise on presumtions to make it the truth.

Why would that have changed allover sudden?

Never let the truth get in the way of a good story :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

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We donā€™t see everything, I am sure. Maybe she is puking somewhere else. It doesnā€™t really matter unless that your kind of fetish.

No matter what, I am excited.

When is the baby shower?

Tired Baby Blues GIF by numa

There were some photos looking like ultrasound on kitchen tableā€¦

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Sorry , but I doubt you will get an inviteā€¦the queue is already around the block :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:

That is a party worth waiting for!

Drag Queen Party GIF by Virgin Trains

And I hope that Tata can come tooā€¦

If the police doesnā€™t stop the party. The police are never any fun.

Super Troopers Police GIF

Just blame April fools

Wow, there really going at itā€¦ :rofl: