Jirina (Part 1)

Oh, dear marica, Dude Tejo put 1365 strokes into your little pussy. That’s right up there with the top stars. Maybe you should let it rest all day tomorrow… :smiley:


Have you got some kind of program that counts?

i think this works for all 3 of them Jirina just needs sex, any form of it many times a day, Marica is now getting what she missed the last few weeks , and as for Tejo.? well how long can he keep going before he diesof exhaustion Go for it son. Die happy.


she never does…luckily , earlier on , Kostja took it to clean before he gave it to Indira…btw , we learned yesterday that Kostja cannot even pronounce the name that VHTV has given him.

After watching Voyeurism for 6.5+ yrs, I thought there must be some kinda way to quantify all this data. Counting seems to be the answer. I count Tens of Strokes. One two three to 10, stick out my left thumb. count one thru ten again, index finger. then middle finger then ring finger in (in USA). then pinky. Thats 100 strokes. A notepad page is open, when we reach 100 strokes press letter “n”. Next 100, another “n” etc. On dismount I type in the remaining tens count on my fingers, then the remaining digits count in my head. Here is the actual count I typed in for Tejos first mounting of Marica.

nnnnn5 Thats 500 strokes, plus 0 fingers, plus 5 left over in my head. Equals 505. He mounts her again later. nnn90T Thats 300, plus 9 fingers, 0 digits in my head. He mounts her a third time. nnnn70 Thats 470 = 505 + 390 + 470 = 1365.

I had thought of using a Rosary to count. Every 10 strokes is 1 bead. 10 beads = 100 strokes. The whole Rosary is 500 strokes. (BTW less than 500 strokes is like not doing it at all) For 500 strokes she’s not even gonna make breakfast for you. The Stars hit 600, 800, 1000, 1300. For more than 800 you get extra Surprise BJ’s & HJ’s during the week. She’ll make the best dinners. She’ll bring you _____s etc. You’ll get BJ’s of 20, 30 minutes or more because she knows you will plough it back into her. Best of all, She’ll adore you as “The Grandest Tiger in the Jungle”. That’s what your aiming for right ? I’m down. Thank you for your interest. Me & Dr. Dirty will tell you the tru whether we know or not.

Maybe because it’s spelled funny on VHTV. I think Kostya is the more common Russian spelling of the name. I could be wrong though.

so is it Kostja with the J being silent making it look more like Kosta

I honestly don’t know tbh. I just remember that a Russian speaker said the name Kostja is a common Russian name, but the spelling of the name chosen by VHTV was uncommon.

the y or j are not silent. On the contrary . It is like a long 'i" - in ENglish y may be the right way to write it

I think you may have been meaning to respond to @loungermans

in the spelling on the realm name I see no y but see a j so therefore would it be more like Kost ja I wish we could use sound to make it easier when trying to figure out name soundings

Aparrently Kostja is a german name whilst Kostya is a Russian name.
Make what you will of that eh?

They ae both Russian names, but Germans are likely to spell it with a j, English speakers with a y

The gang is all here!




Isn’t Kostja a short form of Konstantin?

The gang obviously had a business meeting planning future events at JTIKM.

Tejo is not there, but Morris.

yes it is a diminutive of Konstantin

I have thought much the I&K and S&M swap, as well as the way so many here degrade Kostja for his loss of erection!

I believe he actually did very well under the circumstances in which he found himself,

Kostja is a much more advanced and evolved young man than many in the world today, Yes he was trying to accept the required lifestyle in which he has found himself

He seems to be much more of a romantic than most men his age or even older tend to be, but he is trying to work within the boundaries established by Henry and the other men in the group, who care nothing about love , or romance as long as their cocks are satisfied!

In the encounter with S&M, even though Shana was fucking Kostja, He was trying to maintain contact with Indira, Visually, Physically, but most importantly EMOTIONALLY!

So technically Kostja was FUCKING Shana, While Mikl was FUCKING Indira, But Kostja was still Making Love to Indira until the aforementioned contact was lost, when he then lost the erection!Until that point it was a shared experience, after that there was nothing left for Kostja! So he tried to get out of the way!

Fucking and making love are not the same thing And Kostja knows that! :innocent: :blush:

OK, Now that I have said my bit, and tried to express MY OPINION on this matter, IT is time for seth :imp: and all the other neanderthals here to beat me up!

So go on Face-Palm me to death!!