Jirina (Part 1)

I find the term English Muffin annoying, we had muffins long before what the Americams call muffins i.e big cup cakes, surely muffins should be muffins and the big cup cakes called American muffins… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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It looks nothing like a real muffin, closer to an English crumpet

Would you except a compromise if the name was changed to something like an Italian or Polish muffin instead?

What do you mean byl a real muffin?

Jirina’s cock blocking sk__ls are Mikl like

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A real muffin, looks as you said like a cup cake

YEAH @guvna A REAL MUFFIN LOOKS LIKE A CUPCAKE! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Jirina has a real muffin top. Does that count? :thinking:

Do you know the muffin man

No it doesn’t a real muffin is more like a bread roll ( what you people across the Atlantic refer to as English muffins) That is my point we had Muffins ( bread) before you lot over there thats why I say your cup cake muffins should be called American muffins

I can tell you what a muff-diver is. :rofl: :rofl:

So English muffins would be similar to what you get at McDonands, as in what they use to make McMuffins?

Yes I know the muffin man, he lives in Drury Lane, :rofl:


If Marica and indira did that to kostja, I think he would be in heaven too


last time they did it in a row.

Oh my!!! Marica and Indira are being NAUGHTY girls!!!:smiling_imp::heart_eyes_cat::smiling_imp::heart_eyes_cat::smiling_imp:

That’s Jirina and marica