Jirina (Part 1)

I’d rather see Tejo take care of her.

For my taste she is way too skinny, and even less titties than Indira.

and I say no, it should be Jirina!

You have to sympathise with Indira though…when a woman starts to eat extra, the first few pounds always goes onto the bust…but with Indira it hasn’t!!

I was thinking she has,

when Kostja takes them in his hands and penches them, it looks more like a handfull than it used to be.




Did jirina actually go and try to take tejo home from H&M. No wonder he can’t fuck Marica, mama is in control. I also feel like she told Marica to wear her clothes most of the day, and not a bra and panties

Why would he stay any longer…she has drained him…exactly as per plan to stop him having Viva , notice she brought Marica (erstwhile Tejo girlfriend) just to seal the deal.

Except she’ll cock block marica when they get home lol

and dsiscusion in the bedroom like the lovebirds.

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Let’s see what they’re doing on VHTV :rofl:

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don’t eat too much cheapssssss

Marica trying to cast her spell on mikl

Is Kostja starting his own pizza restaurant?

Making them for tomorrow mabye for hosting

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What happened to the pizza they made earlier?? :thinking: :pizza: Alos I have never seen sliced cheese used on a pizza before. It must be a secret Russian technique. :laughing:

Does jirina let marica fuck tejo tonight

Maybe indira ate it lol :grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:

I make pizzas on English muffins, using grated mozzarella cheese

I make pizza6 and then burn them most of the time ,even the dog wont eat them​:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

This sentence hurts my heart. :cry: Why would you defile pizza using English muffins as the crust?? That’s like making spaghetti and meatballs but instead of using meatballs you use breakfast sausage links.

When i was a kid my dad sliced up 3 English muffins , put the pizza sauce, sliced pepperoni, and grated mozzarella cheese, put in the oven for 15 minutes, tastes amazing