Jirina (Part 1)

Is that why they went to S&T the other day to try to bring them back in?

I would guess 35.

IMO Debbie would eat him alive. He wouldnā€™t know what to do with itā€¦ Debbie seems like she could be a real wild oneā€¦

I reckon 32 as the tattoo on her right leg could be her birth year, 1990, or 32 this year sometime.
Just an educated guess :rofl:

I love Jirina, Tejo, Indira, Kostja and Marica. They are a wonderful group of people, how so many people share one apartment and live in perfect harmony really surprises me. The love and respect they share is unbelievableā€¦all these peopleā€¦living under one roofā€¦ but dtill respecting each other is a joy to behold. Makes my heart skip a beat to see these wonderful people cohabiting in perfect harmony.

32, see my last post.

They needed that swap today like I need a hole in my head. Even less so after what Indira was talking about to Kostja last night on the H&M bed. "Would you stop trusting me if you saw me having sex with one the these people? " the question did not make that much sense yesterday. After all, she had not fucked anyone else in quite some time. I suspect that this was because she knew that today was coming. I also wonder if they are not under some pressure to swing since the Henri speech in the H&M balcony where they were all assemb__d and April 1st was mentioned.

Didnā€™t miss it far.

Only saying maybe, but canā€™t think of any other reason for her tat.

I see Tejo is in ass garbing rangā€¦ :rofl:

Fruit bowl anyone?? Today we have a special on bananas and gr__es. :banana: :gr__es:

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I think you meant to say like you need another hole in your head. Without holes in your head, you would not be able to breath, hear, smell and eat. So, I would say having holes in your head is rather important. :grimacing:

Donā€™t think Debby really knows what she wants to be honest.
Or should i say what she is allowed to do :rofl:

Did you get any of the whispered conversation on the sofa tonight Mitchel?

I donā€™t know what they are saying , but this makes me happy!


this too


I understand this is cam show and everything here should be scripted some extent but still I want to say Indira and kostja are really best couple in this show.

A half naked Debbie in the kitchen, yummy looking

I agree with that, It is kind of cool to see how much they are connected, always affectionate, and laughing. Not a lot of couples on VHTV have this type of connection. The other couple seems to do their own thing, mostly looking at their phones. But K&I watch TV together talk and she is always close to himā€¦I admit I like seeing them be atrue couple not just sex partners

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Kostja took a bubble bath to wash away his sadness and shame. :bath: :sob: :sob: