Jirina (Part 1)

On the way home now…not sure how they feel.Their world will never be the same again.They are still too young.

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whats wrong with them

They swapped with Mikl and Shana and it ended with all four of them looking less than happy.They should be showering together now , to get rid of the experience…but I don’t know what will happen now. I think they agreed not to fully swap , but then Shana climbed aboard Kostja and he didn’t stop her so Indira and Mikl fucked and Indira seriously liked it.

But at least Indira is trying…Kostja just doesn’t seem happy with any of it…but it was definitely his idea. He took Indiras pants of and fingered her on the soda , all the while showing Mikl what he was doing. He also led them all to the bedroom.

kostja looks really angry but at least they are holding hands :smiley: :smiley: is he trying to c___e himself lol

Maybe this young couple are acting like good actors, pretending it wasn’t ok

yep that’s a possibility

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In a couple of hours they’ll be fucking like rabbits

The problem is that they will have to wait another 4 hrs before they can talk about it, as the bed blockers will be in action as usual.

The look at the table at M&S, reminds me of two best friends who just fucked and are in shock

It’s the novocaine efffect :slight_smile:

How long did it take for Tejo to realize that Maricas’ butt pillow was not as comfy as what he is used to with Jirina?

Most likely they will be fucking like rabbits. But what you have the sort of anxieties as what Indira was sharing with Kostja last on that H&M bed, today should not have happened. I still feel that if it had happened with T&S , it would have been less hurtful and happier. Just because Troy is not Mikl. However, for whatever reason Indira does not see Mikl for what he is and keeps confiding in him.

I am sure…judging by the noise , that the actual sex was good. But as soon as Kostja looked across at Indira he last his erection…Kostja and Shana left the room and Indira made Mikl stop. I&M laid on the bed for at least half an hour just chatting , neither of them looked happy. When they dressed and joined the other two , all for of them were very sombre. I could only guess that they had an agreement that was broken. If that is so , it was Kostja that broke it first on all counts…but even Mikl looked sheepish so we knew something was wrong …after all he is the Phantom Smirker when he has bedded a different woman,!!

No biggy,

but sometimes it’s a while to answer, and I thought it’s easier to quote what the answer is about.

I try to be better. :love_you_gesture:

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They got over a couple gang-bang-orgies, they will get over a failed but planned foursome.

I thought they had discussed it outside after leaving M&H the first time last night with Indira and her leather straps on…

And I was certain, that Indira had convinced Kostja to go a swinger-step further, maybe with Lana, and leave her some space to play when they came back.

But that was blooper.

Kostja came into her life as a guest and friend of Marica and Mikl.

So I&K both trust Mikl much more than I think he deserves!

But that is just my opinion,

He might be a very different type of man in person

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I don’t know if anything was broken. It looked more like people that just had and awkward ending to a situation and they were all like “Sooooooo we all good right??”

I can tell them , from experience , that the best thing to do is to go to shower together. Each one scrubs the others smells and sweat away (you could also add guilt there but that is a little cerebral for here :joy: )When you are both cleansed, back to bed together and continue your normal life. The problem we have here is age…not enough of it , or experience so it will be a baptism of fire (as we have seen) but it will show them the need for rules and the need to abide by them.

For mature people that works ok.

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