Jirina (Part 1)

could be he moans :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: like a woman ?

10/1 its not them its ab ? :joy: :joy:

She really needs to cut down on those burgers :rofl:

I think it is more the snack chips and stuff.

I said, I was afraid she was headed towards becoming another Jirina, body-wise!

lots of cellulit.

Yeah sure is.

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Well that’s because they ignored my request to verify themselves via internal communication channels. Now I’ve suspended their account in hope they will notice my message and act accordingly.

She also has another one now: @Jirina :wink:

Have the youngsters gone to their own party?

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Jirina answered me in M&H in the key issue.

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AB is definitely not Jirina. AB is a Kiwi living in Australia and hails from the same city as me in NZ.

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They went to the “devil”

Mikl and Shana

Mikl is already halfway naked.

All I can say is I was watching Tejo reading and answering forum users’ questions and comments live on cam. This included some questions and comments from me personally. I am very certain that the account is real. If what he answered was 100% the truth is a different matter and up to each individual to decide for themselves

Would you mind posting the quote as a link next time instead of a screen shot if possible next time please. You can get the link by clicking on the paper click in the bottom right corner of a posted comment. It makes getting to the source of the comment much easier. Thank you!

It’s the devil they know

Sorry , I didn’t know this :roll_eyes: Too bad they don’t respond so we can see that they get VHTV Parcipant after their name

I think the only way I will believe it is really Tejo is if he gives a signal on cam, :+1:, :-1:, :ok_hand: or best of all a face palm :man_facepalming:!

He did, would you prefer he make a giant carboard sign acknowledging your existence next time… :man_facepalming:

That would be a yes… :upside_down_face:

game on