Jirina (Part 1)

What are they doing there?? Acording to @Edd5512 Troy and crew have been banned from going to all other Henry related realms. :joy:

They received special dispensation for his birthday bash! :laughing:

Yeah, so who do we need to talk with to get Indira & Kostja to go to more parties at Mira & Henry’s?? :partying_face: :rofl: :rofl:

You don’t have a heart have you?

Don’t you know, that as soon as(s) Indira passes Henry’s door, he’s waving his dick to her,

and she has to report in the mystery room to get fucked warm, and to be finished first in the living-

room, and by all present cocks in the bedroom?

She’l be dripping wet from cum, and get’s that shale taste in her mouth from sucking so many dicks.

And she can say no, no as much as she wants.

So now let’s go see how much is true.

As far as I consider, she’s dripping wet but not from cum yet,

and in her sexy outfit ( just so you remember):

she will scream no, no ----- don’t stop, and I don’t see Kostja in the picture.

Does that mean I have an eye-disease?

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Is marica trying to reclaim her boyfriend

I noticed Shana went and sat on Mikl as soon as she saw him stroking Marica’s leg while she was sitting on Troy. Might be something or nothing!.

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Marica still loves him, and contrary to what was said, shana should watch out because tricky micky and his dicky tend to wander

Shana is dressed for mikl to only have eyes on her

Palmer has assured last night was all fuck, but, tonight will be all talk

If that don’t say F me I don’t know what dose. :rofl:

Guess who doesn’t believe it :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Kade…If you follow the golden two back here, I would just like to say that I am truly sorry to answer you as I did. It didn’t even register that it was you , I thought it was one of those other clowns. Anyway , there it is … just saying though…there is so much concentration going on re Indira , how many of the others had sex there? _____en Palmer …and judging by the whispered convo between Marica and Jirina , it wasn’t a success.


Looking back, that is exactly what happened, and they are home! Is it work time?

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Still pretty cool towards each other…

she seems a little bit stiff,

the talk in few words.

I think she is not really happy with the outcome. Popcorn will sove it.

big effort, no effect:

No that big round thing is not called effort

He looks kind of sad…

someone donate him a new front lip before he trips over it… and a box of tissues

I think we need our interpreter for this conversation, or our judgement is severely limited.