Jirina (Part 1)

There will be a lot of “wanna-fucks” and “fuckables” around,

and the biggest in both groups Henry has wild-card I suppose.

Mira just gave him a big hugg in their bedroom.

She is a bit fierce in that first snap. i sure would like to make her smile.

She knows what’s (or who’s) coming, and wonders if she can eat all that is on the plate. :rofl: :rofl:

Wouldn’t be surprised If Mikl would try to talk her into something. (and he knows there’s a chance that it works)

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That could be or visa versa.

How things have changed, since Indira was Troy’s sex-toy.

She looks sovereign to Savannah and Troy now.

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Indira is the best looking girl in black


Troy might want Tejos boner.

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I suspect this was a strategic option, Kostja goes alone to M&H, to pay his respects, but Indira stays home where she calls the shots about her pussy, I have not seen any booze yet, so control is better!


remember, no food here.

Just candy, that makes Indira’s butt grow to an even fuller moon.

Not a party, just friends visit.

I still think

just a meet-up to go to Henry’s birthday together.

Maybe waiting for Jirina.

What is in those straw like things?

It reminds me of something from my c___dhood, when I was 8 or 9 years old.


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I think effervescent powder

but don’t know.

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If Indira ends up in this outfit at Henry’s, and I think she will,

she’s lost and Kostja will cry all night long.

Jirina puts on similar:


Jirina likes to give easy access! Ten years ago she might have been Viva!

There will be an Indira-fuck-festival at Henry’s tonight, if she wants to.


and they’re on the way.

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I wish them the best, but, I will not go with them, I will stay here and check out the timeline or wander the archives, I will not give Henry my view!

Do viewers get a refund if indira spends the whole night with kostja