Jirina (Part 1)

Now with the new kinky stuff,

Is Indira making herself a domina, or just copying foolish behavior from others.?


I love how I get face palmed for stating the obvious, which is it’s Indira and kostja doing stuff together, or nothing at all

I just love Marica, she’s so cute and tiny!

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for me too skinny, but I got flagged when I said it before.

I really love hearing Marica purr when she’s having a good fuck.

Watch her have fun on Feb 3, with Karel, tejo, and mikl. She really let her hair down if you know I mean. I think Tejo gave her the best fuck of all that day

Still too skinny, arms like drumsticks. Not my taste, but who likes it, fine with me.

I preferr voluptious forms like Indira, but(t) not more.

Jirina is too much in the relations, hight and width.

But that’s personal taste.

Has anyone seen Kostja recently?

Found him at H&M

Looks like he has been set on as chef for Henry’s birthday bash.

Past his mid life crisis then :rofl:


Well why waste a good docking station :rofl:

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And Henry will get his birthday fuck from all ladies present I guess.

Maybe a bj and hj on top.

Who can say no. It’s birthday

Hope he has some good pills.

And Drama drama drama supposedly

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Oh will be a lot of talks here again. I have to remember to get some popcorn :smile:

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Yes Marica is one of my favorite views, but she needs to learn a new aim now

turn left about 30 degrees, Smile at the camara between your knees, please!


Marica has to be one of them for sure

She is getting ready now!

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Do you know what, maybe i am getting to used to the way they carry on in these apartments but i am not sure that touching without permission is that much of a no no round here. Sure here in England whoohoo Hang me from the nearest lamppost. But here , eberyone coming thru those doors know what sort of parties there are.Debbie & Paul know when to go home, when the touching gets too much for them. And don’t give me the old garbage about earning money for it. The party givers may earn but the party goers are there for fun ( and most of them are hoping for sex) So touching ??? Touch away Tejo.

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