Jirina (Part 1)

You’re free to look at something else if you don’t like what you see.

I just wish he would shave now and then!

He thinks he’s hot stuff, he was always the first to strip

I do not expect an orgy. Whenever an orgy is on the way Jirina wears her orgy outfits

he just does not fit in with these people he needs to be with the older folks

I think a lot of people forget that Indira is in the kindergarten. She is still in her teens. So, saying they don’t want the kindergarten is like saying they also don’t want Indira.

Thanks to all the members who post pics that are full sized pics with time stamps… it helps when you’ve been gone and come back to catch up.

Paul and Debbie hit the road when the clothes comes off

If Indira is 19, that makes the men hitting on her from these parties even creepier

I think it’s just a welcome party for Marica

Henry is relaxing at home playing video games

…and the difference is…?

Man, you are so caught up on the age of the girls. A 10+ yr age difference really isn’t a big deal and a fairly common age gap for couples. A lot of girls in their late teens early twenties don’t want to date guys their own age because most of them have barely just learned how to wipe their own ass.

Then you should offer service.

Maybe my intonation was on stiff. :rofl: :rofl:

This is a nice gathering…quantity etc…the only one not matched is Jirina…unless Debby is feeling the urge!

I do not know Indira’s precise age. In my estimate she is somewhere between 19 and at most 22. The age group of the guests needs to be between 20 and 25 at most. A 21 year old usually does not have much in common with a 29 year old.

He’s talking about the size of his waist. :see_no_evil: :joy:

I see Paul & Debby have taken prime eating position :rofl:

And as I noted that could be D__g related, ever heard of Viagra!

Could be his head :rofl: