Jenya DADYA & Friends



11 posts were merged into an existing topic: Should we have some basic rules for posting pictures on the forum?

Sandie and andy doing a porno now.

Who are they ? And why should I know about it

My bad, ment to post on allys room but not sure why i posted on yours sp please forgive me.

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I see Pudding is still sofa surfing here. Beware a potential sitting tenant.



What a gorgeous smile! He is a very beautiful young man.


It’s all right bro, I just wondered who it was, don’t push it, everything’s fine :ok_hand:t2::heart:

Thank you very much, I am very pleased to hear this, however, all your compliments are like honey to me, as a c___d I was very not beautiful and they didn’t tell me that I was beautiful, and here you overwhelm me with compliments, :heart_eyes_cat::heart:


You’re in, David, quick, book your flight lad! :nerd_face:

You are very beautiful, I like your smile :heart:

You are more than welcome.

I simply enjoy watching great looking men and I certainly see this each time I watch you, something which I thoroughly enjoying doing. :heart:

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i hope i am wrong but it sounds like he went offcam to batter the cat :cry:

Indeed very strange. However I can’t find a clue that he beat the cat there. There can be other reasons he went outside with it.

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louds bangs from the hall cam

Just looking for things to moan about. If he’d battered the cat, the cat would be fighting tooth and claw to get away from him, that’s what cats do, they don’t take kindly to a___e. Jenya would be lacerated and b___dy. The cat seems perfectly fine with being handled. No signs of a cat in distress. No signs of anger or aggression n Jenya’s face or in his body language.


so explain why he took the cat off cam and the banging noises then

But she said “туалет?”, then he answered “да, туалет”. туалет means toilet in russian. I think he took the cat outside to relieve himself.

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