Jakar & Lilka

Geweldige Orgie met Ann&janosh heerlyke video


There is a guest girl. Is it one of previous guests or is she new ?

Lilka has been here before with Jakar great to have her back


i agree she is stunning


Bedroom cams covered up on purpose by the guest girl…shame :face_exhaling:


I reported it

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Jakar just uncovered them :joy:

Yep but cam8 is fucked up now…

First day, first issue with guests, first fine!! Perfect and expected start :rofl: :rofl:

great to see the lovely Lilka back

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Great to see Lilka back…who else would we like to see back from the past ?

I don’t think so as they uncovered them already.

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Don’t make sense if they don’t unless they have a special contract different from the others. And cam8 still fucked up by their actions

Side cams covered? :white_check_mark:
Forget covering the main cam? :white_check_mark:
Brains absence? :white_check_mark:


Heard it quite often from suppport when they uncover them by time there won’t be a fine. Happened in other places too.

By time of what?? Was detected, was reported at least once, two cams covered and one of them fucked up for long time for deliberated action from guests. 1 minute - 10 minutes the principle is the same and many times only differ from how famous place is and/or the time support may take to see anything
Doesn’t seems much different from what happened at 27 for instance
And here, it’s people with a long record of cams v_______n in their previous houses

I guess that means when nobody did a ticket or they fix it themselves before they got told by VHTV. So could be a fine or not I do not know. Cams are fixed. Guess we won’t see the guest girl again.

Like to see Bree. :wink:



I think the viewers always only get to see what the tenants want the viewer to see. They could always leave the apartment. Since the cam views are what pays them, anything they do to obscure the view comes at a price for them. So, I think if they want to hurt their cash flow by hiding from the cams, let them. It’s their apartment and their money that’s being lost. It’s possible that all this attention and drama actually gets them even more views and a bigger audience or curious voyeurs. You guys definitely flock to these situations like seagulls to an overflowing garbage can.