ISP issues

I’m not able to understand why VHTV cannot solve this BIG problem, “ISP issues”. It’s most irritating and certainly makes many viewers angry. Otherwise, VHTV should be called: VHTV with ISP issues!

Tell me how VHTV is responsible for the ISPs in these countries? VHTV is no ISP

What I fail to understand is why VHTV allows apartments who have shiity ISPs. Surely a test should be carried out before. If you notice it is always the same apartments with the problem.

To that I agree

In my opinion it’s the one and only VHTV, who is fully responsible for all “ISP issues”. Who else? They occur on VHTV and on no other website! I suspect VHTV don’t care about them enough and don’t want to put any money to fix them. Surely, in the long run VHTV will loose more and more viewers and income therefor! And, please, stop calling them “ISP issues”, it says nothing about what they really are!

How often do us as individuals run into isp issues at our home? I personally rarely run into them. They can only happen if we are causing them ourselves which is whats happening in these housese. When they want to do something they dont want us to see theyll unplug the internet or they just put isp issues up there as a place holder cause fo some other issue.

They should just tell us the truth about whats happening!

When Putin takes all the Russian apartment offline, will it be down due to personal issues, relocating, left the project or just FUCK OFF?

You have no idea of how things work so it is pointless to discuss that point further with you as you already have your opinon…

He is too stupid to do that :joy:

I am sure you have evidence for that bs you tell here? :man_facepalming:

Stupid is not something I would call Putin. He has made some mistakes but to call him stupid???

Is there a real danger for that? I hope Putin will soon have much bigger problems than VHTV. On the other hand, he has certainly an army of ambitious watchdogs who will to close down VHTV. It’d be a grate pity and loss.

Well of course he could disconnect Russia from the internet. But to do that he has to disconnect all internet cables physically leading out of Russia. He also has to block all connections to any sattellites. Then he put himself really into stone age. All other measures he takes can be easily mitigated by simply using VPN

Nope there is not. And VHTV is not located in Russia

The way Putin is heading will have Russia back to the stone age pretty soon. There are many ways that the rest of the world can still punish Russia. And for those that say he will simply stop the gas and oil, well all that will do is hurry the process along as with absolutely no foreign income coming, well you do the math.

I do not see how that is connected to the topic but I guess you are right :stuck_out_tongue:

He could still ban VHTV thus the Russian apartments would be offline.

How can he do that?

missed you. Welcome back :slight_smile:

He banned Facebook, Twitter and others, how did he do that?