Is it ok for members to leave suggestive/ scriptive comments on apartments' topics?

Exactly the purpose of the managers poll competition

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I don’t want to be a spoilsport, but that’s all OT and should be in a separate area. :joy: :rofl:

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Sadly both hot women left…… for urgent work…:confused: invite more hot women….:smiling_imp:

Wanna see more hot guest women…. like yesterday…

Can you guys please remove curtain a side from these cams as it is blocking view…. :man_facepalming:t2::expressionless: and I hope today I can see those two hot women again….:smiling_imp: Will you guys invite some hot women tonight……

Now mira turn….:unamused: and same happy ending massage…. come on bring hot and wild women…. missing those two hot women…… :confused: look like nothing going to happen :yawning_face:

Just an example of things we don’t want to see here, demands or even hints to the participants. :rage:

By the way you’ll never guess who posted these :thinking: :wink:

Torey? :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

I wanted to open a topic about this so many times, but i know how many will jump on me so i give up

This guy is freeloader posted so many useless pics in past and made fun of participants, guests and realm on most of the realms and still trolling them by pics……

I took his class in past that’s y he still hold grudge on me….:joy::joy:

There are “Momente-Operators” who took part and can now clean up. :joy:

angry tom cat GIF

No he is talking about John…:joy:

Currently he and lifeguy writing best stories on realms….:sweat_smile:

I suppose that “John” will be me, but who is lifeguy??? :thinking: :thinking:

He has a few “enemies”, John, @Life and @Shyguy … sometimes me too.

There will be a few more…but these are for now.

Undercover spy agent watching everything comes when guest come between couple, or when swinger couple visit exclusive couple…

When he sees what he wants he stop posting pics and move to other realms…:sweat_smile::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

And write I hope this girl will give chance to other guys also….

the robot who post 100 screenshots of the same picture and always wishes for a girl to be with multiple guys

Why would i be his enemy? Just because i am sarcastic with him?

I think this topic should move to script discussion forum…:sweat_smile:

What have I suppose to have done now :joy:

He just doesn’t like competition when it comes to posting pictures :wink:

Luckily, Victor doesn’t post pics, he is the true champion of girls fucked by multiple guys and possibly old ones “wishing list”

By the way I’m change now I don’t have any wish regarding sex now I wanna see participants and guest enjoy their life….when I wrote and wished for things that time I was new and didn’t knew that participants are on forum… but when they came on forum and start chatting with us… I understood everything and u can see from month I stopped writing anything just posting pics not like others who are wishing this guy should do sex with this girl, threesome, foursome, and some are keep convincing them to do more…. :confused:

Now I just talk about participants and their lifestyle…. Now I only wish for seeing my favourite participants again….

No scripts, No trolls, No hatred…

Peace and Love…:heart:


Can we finally go back to topic now. This has been discussed a thousand times already…