
That’s an extra version for @carlos so he can see everything clearly while shaving?! :laughing:

Damn Inga! You are one of the sexiest women I’ve ever seen. She is reluctant with you but has no problem with him. So what do you do? You don’t push the issue with her, you starts smacking his ass while he fucks her. So damn cool!!

i think Inga love man ass :joy:

I thinks she just loves ANYTHING sexual. She’s pretty damn hot!

yaaa :rofl: :joy: but to loud sound in room :sweat_smile:

Better than too quiet.

@Slickman70 sembri nuovo…

power of Inga hand :grin:

Had a membership at the end of last year. Got busy and let it lapse. I came back a few days ago to see new people and old people in new places. Amazing how many people are in someone else’s apartment! LOL

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Inga :fire: morning:hot_face:

Inga :hot_face: :face_with_monocle:

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Я свободный человек, поэтому мне нравится заниматься с тобой любовью хотя бы раз

У меня много денег, и я могу прокормить вас 10 лет, и вам не придется выполнять никакой работы. Просто тратьте деньги и наслаждайтесь жизнью, вот мое мышление.

It is written in the books that conscientious work is the highest value of the entire Western civilization. On the other hand, the Russians do not appreciate it. Their favorite hero is Ivan, who was bedridden for most of his life and acquired all earthly goods by accident.


Inga s___ping beauty :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Inga fell as___p :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: