
I wouldn’t mind seeing all 5 guys getting it on together.

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If Inga is sick I hope she feels better :hugs:

Better being alone than with bad company, there are several things can do even if you are alone, don’t always need someone

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What are those things? Is one of them to turn off all the lights and take a bath by candle light?

Inga s___ping beauty :heart: Hopefully inga is feeling better :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hugs: :pray:

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you got no hope there ,she is moving in with me

i think she is like that ,because she sends a lot of time doing her make up

Short range :grinning:

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she didnt give jordan.

Is the wall material the cause of the Cam mount failure? Hope she has a good glue gun for this repair job.

Unfortunately the guests are closed and shy

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there was only this image


If anyone wants to get me a early Christmas gift, beautiful Inga would be a great choice. You wouldn’t even have to wrap her for me.:rofl:

But, The unwrapping would be half the fun, I would start at the toes and work my way up.