Incorrect time on cameras in some apartments

The following has times that are incorrect some has an hour behind and one has the year wrong.

Lexi and Pablo and Tess and Elliot Cam 13 Hall One hour behind.

Yan and Flora Cam 11 time and year way off.

Amalia Cam 8 Cam 7 Cam 6 and Cam 5 one hour behind.

Hector and Marla Cam 12 and Cam 14 one hour behind.

Would be nice to get something done about these.

It’s been mentioned umpteen times and nothing is ever done, you could do a ticket and get a reply ‘It will be fixed soon’ but VHTV’s ‘soon’ is a lifetime :rofl: :rofl:

I have just now also done a ticket but something more needs to be done.

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@VHTV_James Do you know what is happening with this everyone has constantly done tickets about the time but nothing ever gets done it was mention that a few minutes here and there was fine but an hour and year wrong on one apartment isn’t right.

I gave up making tickets because of wrong time. They still did not fix the wrong timezones of two of Elliots places… So… :stuck_out_tongue:

I just got from them we reported the problem and sorry and so on.

They all seem to be fixed now maybe VHTV saw this topic. :laughing: :laughing:

Nope realms 22 and 34 still show wrong timezone. Should be GMT+2 not GMT+3

That would have to be all the GMT+3 because they show only 2 hours ahead.