Impact of sanctions on Russian apartments

I thought that the western sanctions against Russia would have an impact on participants apartments located in Russia. But you can still see a lot of western food product brands in their apartments, even hygiene products in the bathroom.

A bit offtopic, but half relevant to the topic:
regardless of the sanctions … i’ve been amazed for a long time how many products are used there that are also in the shops here. are the local products that much worse/more expensive/or whatever, i.e. the stuff of the international market? or have the local brands really been squeezed out of the market? i wouldn’t be surprised either, given how aggressively expansive the western economy is
i have witnessed the takeover of the east german markets by the west. ok, not everything was good here, but even the good things were rigorously suppressed, bought up, the patents taken over, and then the companies closed. the know-how moved to the west, they didn’t care about the rest

do you really think (Sanction) is effective in the Russian markets so quickly… I don’t think so.

Are the sanctions hurting Russia?

Here are five ways U.S. sanctions are hurting Russia. Russia’s GDP is shrinking Russian gross domestic product (GDP) could shrink by as much as 7 percent on the year and 35 percent on the quarter, according to economists at J.P. Morgan. They say inflation could reach 14 percent in Russia by year’s end.

I do not support war and I am against war… but what the media say is very different from reality. I hope the war between the two countries will end soon.


The report was made by a reputable investment bank and has nothing at all with the media, It is a statement of the financial situation facing the Russian Government after sanctions have been made in the wake of the invasion. I can’t see the IMF or the World Bank giving favourable terms for any loan after the Russian default of repayment of loans…

For the conflict to end is for Russia to cease all hostilities and withdraw to the Russian border and hand back the Crimea .to Ukraine

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@anon31605929 let’s let this discussion to be in a separate topic

It has been discussed many times here and how many times are we going to go over the same old subject? If you want to move it then fine I cannot stop you.

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I just opened this topic separate to discuss the impact on day to day life for VHTV participants such as food and hygiene products, not the political aspect of it and the impact on governments which is discussed on the other topic.

This has been discussed many times in the thread that you already made, but if VHTV wishes it to be discussed again then fine that’s his call and respected as such.

No the other thread, they are commenting on general media news. In this thread I wanted to discuss the impact on VHTV participants

Then do a search of that thread and you will see them and I will leave it at that.

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I agree, except the fact that one country in particular will be wiped off the map. The other goes uns__thed and never attacked or witness to bombs falling and human suffering.

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Inflation here is over 10% and speculators have doub__d their fortunes! I just read (newspapers) that the first electricity producer in France has doub__d its profits in 1 year! War is a good excuse!