#ILOVEVHTV 2023 Giveaway 🎂🎁❤️

:fire: One of our favorite community events. The only type of content our mental health consultants would love us to read. Your opportunity to show some love to VHTV and join the stream of positivity & fun.

:heart: Share the feedback on WHY you LOVE VHTV. The best contributions will be rewarded by us with Subscription Days & VHTV Coins.[1]

:speech_balloon: Please consider including some media, your stories, memorable things and stuff you cherish the idea of Voyeur House TV for.

🫶🏼 Thank you, every one of you who have ever visited Voyeur-House.TV and stayed with us, no matter if subscribed or not. Your attention matters to hundreds of people working on making this all happen.

:sparkling_heart: Thank you, VHTV Subscribers. Current, past, and future. We would not be at this point of time with you without your support. We will continue working hard on delivering the best entertainment in the world for you.

:kissing_heart: Thank you, @operators, the craziest group of people, contributing their time & effort, sorting our your Archive Requests, keeping the meta information on participants up-to-date and much-much more. These are the people who make VHTV the best place for you to find YOUR beloved joy of voyeur entertainment.

:revolving_hearts: Thank you, VHTV Participants & VHTV Managers, no matter if present or past. Your presence at VHTV Cameras brings joy to millions of people around the world. These connections between so many different personas are unique memories for everyone involved, no matter which side of the screen you’re in.

:metal:t3: Thank you, VHTV Team members, working 24/7, 7+ years straight. We fucking rock.

👀 Check out our previous #ILOVEVHTV Giveaways


🎁 #ILOVEVHTV Giveaway [6 Years Celebration]

:rocket: And now LET THE FUN BEGIN

  1. we all know everyone will get something :wink: ↩︎


And, for a limited time only (?), the hero we all deserve, returns to Reactions with reinforcements of couple more options!


it’s hard to write something… if it had been a couple of years ago i would have written only positive things but now vhtv is becoming a kind of rlc with the addition of chaturbate… i miss vhtv from years ago i miss the couples or the single girls who used to have a great time (and i’m not just talking about sex) now all they do is sleep or go on chaturbate…


Well it’s been just over 2 years now since I first joined this often crazy little circus called VHTV, I’ve had some of the most laugh out loud moments that any forum has offered me and also the most frustrating ones as well, I have also been fortunate to have spoken to some of life’s good people on here as well

So thank you @VHTV for providing us with this tiny little bit of internet space

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Hi, love the ability to catch up on the days events

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Great start! But I’m still waiting on this :clown_face: reaction to be added.

Much love,


There may be no better place for :clown_face: other than your avatar.

Bryan Cranston Mic Drop GIF

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A couple of yrs ago I came across this site and the rest was history everything about the site is fire from the hot female participants to the friendly forum members and the ppl the run the site and forum site is really nice I really enjoy seeing all the :fire: updates
Keep up the great and hard work @VHTV
#ILOVEVHTV :heart:
Stay Strong Pop Tv GIF by One Day At A Time

Ich liebe es einfach mal ab und zu hier reinzuschauen und mir die Unterhaltung der verschiedenen Wohnungen anzusehen. Es ist eine gelungene Abwechslung zum Alltag :wink::+1: mal ein paar Tage alles zu sehen wäre schon der hammer da ich auf grund der Zahlungsmethoden leider selber kein mitglied werden kann.


I love VHTV because of the variety it gives to all different kinds of people. Even if I don’t like all of the realms there is always at least 1 that I do like and the females are outstanding. Thank You VHTV

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I have been on vhtv for almost more than half of decade now… this has been the best voyeur site over the years. would love too see the glorious old days back in here… were it used to be difficult to keep track of the realms for the action packed nights. #ILOVEVHTV

Ich bin seit fast 2 Jahre hier . Es ist fast schon wie eine kleine Familie hier und im Forum .:+1:

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Been watching Anna throughout the years over various projects and just can’t seem to stop watching!

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We love and admire the couple Mira and Henry, we are also a couple, it would be nice to join.

Where to begin?

The platform that took me most nights. We became online friends with quite a few “performers”, exchanged intergenerational and intercontinental experiences, and got to know each other on a personal note.

The same is true in the forum format. We go through drama spots together, we experience conflicts, where it is the settlement that matters most in the end.

Above all, we see a lot of beautiful things in the form of women’s charms (men’s too for some), and peer relationships that are not exactly commonplace in our own, real life. For me personally, VHTV opens a Pandora’s box, it shows a taboo scene where I find many surprising things through the reactions of the residents, despite my years. In my lexicon, a very interesting journey where the final destination is sexuality. And where the journey is more important than the destination.


#ILOVEVHTV 2023 it at least gives me emojis I can react to stuff with. I like being updated with the forum

Why do I like @VHTV ?
because there is variety, respect, we laugh, we have fun :smiling_imp:
it’s a platform where we can change our minds, we become attached to the person.
I always have an incredible time, I sometimes feel like I’m living with them.
I’ve been here since the beginning, it’s the best platform I’ve ever known.
You are like my second family
Thank you for everything you do @VHTV :pray:t3:
Happy New Year to you. :blue_heart:

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Well…The premise of the site has always been great, love the archives.
I believe it’s normal to have ebbs and flows…
Game Of Thrones Drinking GIF by Sky
to better times ahead!


I like vhtv because you see a lot of the everyday life of the participants. It’s interesting to see not only sex but also the “foreplay” - parties, cuddling, everything you don’t see in ordinary porn. And of course many participants have great sex - sometimes I envy Vegas, Tonk and many others für their beautiful girls and their varied sex life. Girls who massage your dick even if it’s not followed by intercourse, that would be my dream too.

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