Henry (Part 3)

The fact that I saw everything from the beginning what had happened
Shelia went to sleep in the living room While Jutta when out
Henry took Sheila to sleep in the bedroom
Jutta came back and went to sleep in the bedroom
Henry objected and Jutta got angry and all the fuss started
causing Henry to throw Jutta and her clothes out of the room
I’m not taking Jutta’s place or Henry’s, I’m just mention what I saw


The truth about Henry is beginning to be uncovered.


I feel sorry for the women, but they should actually know what Henry is like. After a certain time, they are sorted out


whats happened to the other guestroom cam ? only 1 shown on index now

and Sheila just acts as if nothing is going on , is she now finding out how he is or just another 1 who excepts the way he treats weomen until he has enough of them ? think she should learn by whats happened and get out asap


Ganz ehrlich ? Jutta wusste doch vorher was für ein Typ Henry ist ! Sie wusste wie er lebt und was für Vorlieben er hat . Ich kann ihre Aufregung nicht ganz nachvollziehen klingt zwar hart ist aber meine Meinung !


Sheila knows all about, she just doesn’t care she is indifferent easy going type of person

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Am not surprised at all, he always has had this nasty streak in him like the way he slapped Mira around in favour of Gerda.
Any bets as to how long Sheila will remain in favour?
Until the next fanny of the month comes along to satisfy his addiction no doubt :rofl:
I said this would happen some time ago and has been brewing for a while now.
Mustn’t say too much as he is Jabs favourite. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

  1. Mira
  2. Gerda
  3. Jutta
  4. Shelia.
  5. ???

Watch this space eh…
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


He will be beating the Henry VIII record soon :rofl:


Nothing new but VHTV and certain members love Hank.

She hasn’t left yet. First, let’s see what happens when everyone wakes up again. A lot of strange things have happened before, you know! :rofl: :joy:


I looked at this dispute again in the timeline. Unfortunately, no nice pictures. However, an outburst, perhaps due to jealousy, was unfortunately somehow to be expected. As Henry has no consideration for his flatmates. And flattens everything he feels like doing.
And I think Jutta knew that beforehand. :thinking:

Maybe it won’t be long before the name above the flat is changed again.
That’s why this realm should simply be called Henry and his playmates. :laughing: :+1:


Jutta doesn’t seem to care much. Good mood again and helps Sheila and Henry and fix the bath! :rofl: :joy:


I don’t necessarily want to defend Henry… but the argument started with this scene. I don’t know how I would have reacted if I had been woken up like that


some of these forum members . dont have the sense to see the whole picture they see what they want to see and see it as gospel add into the equation a few unsubstantiated comments from lets say members with a small brain capicity ,and then take everything as reported as being the truth , .what we have here is an abundance of forum journalist reporting stories with only the juicy bits included , which is why you have certain members drooling on every word posted in this far from sincere forum , now think ill pop back to reality and watch some horse racing seeya
is that crazy enough for ya'? jack nicholson GIF by hoppip


She certainly triggered the controversy with this scene. I wouldn’t have been amused either, no question. There will also have been one or more per mille. :laughing: :laughing:


Jutta lights the cigarette, fetches an ashtray and beer glass for Henry. What will be next to wipe them on the back? :face_with_monocle: :hugs:


It’s nice to see that peace can be restored after a dispute. :hugs: :heart:


Long time no see. Hope you are doing well?

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